
Comcast Is Billing Me For $1236.02 In Porn I Never Ordered

Comcast Is Billing Me For $1236.02 In Porn I Never Ordered

Sue has a serious problem with Comcast. They’re billing her for $1236.02 in porn she never ordered, claiming that it must be her 15 year old son who is ordering it.

A DirecTV Cancellation Conundrum

A DirecTV Cancellation Conundrum

Reader Dito has a DirecTV riddle.

Opt Out Of Comcast's Arbitration Agreement

Opt Out Of Comcast's Arbitration Agreement

If you’re a Comcast customer and in the event of a dispute, want to retain your right to sue Comcast in a court of law in a trial by judge or jury, a right afforded to you by the Constitution, rather than go by the decision of an arbitration company Comcast hires to mediate your dispute, fill out this opt-out form.

Comcast Wants To Charge Up To $49.95 To Stream Movies To Your Home

Comcast Wants To Charge Up To $49.95 To Stream Movies To Your Home

Not content with providing just fee-ridden television and internet service, Comcast is looking to charge up to $49.95 to stream movies to your home the day they premier in theaters. The two largest movie theater operators, Regal Entertainment and National Amusements, have banded together to express their displeasure, with Regal’s CEO saying: “We’re not interested in playing anything that makes its debut in the home and at the theater at the same time.” Comcast doesn’t care.

Stephen Burke, Comcast’s cable president and chief operating officer, told an audience at an industry conference this week that several studios were “very interested” in the idea of allowing cable providers to charge $29.95 to $49.95 to watch an opening-day movie at home. He said it would increase studio revenues rather than cannibalize them, if handled properly.

The studios, too busy drooling over the prospects of additional profit, declined to comment. Would you forego the deliciously buttery movie theater experience for the comfort of your home? Tell us in the comments. — CAREY GREENBERG-BERGER

Best Of Comcast Bad Install Stories

Best Of Comcast Bad Install Stories

“So why did Comcast’s installer show up without a router asking for $115.80 in cash? Why did he drill holes in Jason’s walls and baseboards, and unplug his HP Media Center PC Box (thereby breaking it)? Why was he rude to Jason, requiring him to “show the cash” to “make sure he had it?””

Comcast Triple Play, Now With 24 Month Contract And ETF

Comcast Triple Play, Now With 24 Month Contract And ETF

You might want to think twice before agreeing to an Comcast CSR’s offer to “extend the price for 2 years,” because Comcast’s Triple Play comes with a contract and an ETF.

New Jersey Comcast Shows Porn Instead Of Disney Channel

New Jersey Comcast Shows Porn Instead Of Disney Channel

Parents, get used to it. At any time, and for any reason, there could be porn. You could be walking down the street and accidentally get hit by a truck full of porn. You could be watching Tom Brokaw host a special about healthcare and suddenly, wham. You’re watching porn. You could be watching the Disney channel, get up to go clean the bedroom, come back and your 5 year old will be watching hard core porn. Get used to it. From the NY Daily News:

The “Handy Manny” cartoon on Playhouse Disney was abruptly interrupted yesterday morning when Comcast honchos mistakenly aired the porno in sections of Jersey.

Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Where's My Tech? Call Comcast Dispatch (We've Got The Numbers)

Comcast is notorious for techs missing their appointments. If you would like to see where you tech really is, and maybe have him get his heiny over, here’s a whole bunch of Comcast’s internal dispatch numbers.

Contact Comcast's CEO

Contact Comcast's CEO

So if you love or hate Comcast and want to make sure the man at the top knows it, here’s his contact info:

Time To Call And Ask For A Discount, Comcast Revenue Up 80%

Time To Call And Ask For A Discount, Comcast Revenue Up 80%

As you well know, calling your cable company and calmly telling them they’re way overpriced will likely result in your cable bill being lowered significantly. Don’t believe us? Try it.

LEAKS: Comcast Slideshow Details Plan To Charge For Previously Free Tech Calls

LEAKS: Comcast Slideshow Details Plan To Charge For Previously Free Tech Calls

According to an internal Comcast Powerpoint we received, starting this month, the cable provider gives even less of a damn about residential customers. Highlights include:

Comcast: You Didn't Really Want All The "Extra Innings" Channels You Paid For, Did You?

Comcast: You Didn't Really Want All The "Extra Innings" Channels You Paid For, Did You?

Reader Phil writes to tell us that he’s not receiving all the channels he paid for when he signed up with MLB Extra Innings with his Massachusetts Comcast franchise:As of today, 4/20/07, Comcast has refused to give us the full 15 channels in my area, and I am not alone.

Comcast Buys Fandango, Becomes Fandastic?

Comcast Buys Fandango, Becomes Fandastic?

Here’s how Fancast works: Viewers interested in the new movie Perfect Stranger could not only access information via Fandango on where and when the film is playing as well as content concerning the movie, but also the scheduling of movies on TV featuring Stranger stars Bruce Willis or Halle Berry. In addition, any related content on the Internet or mobile would be identified.

AUDIO: Comcast Easily Tricked Into Giving Your Personal Info To Wiseass Teenagers

Like many companies, Comcast doesn’t train its customer service reps enough in security verification. The result is that anyone can call up, pretend to be a service tech, and get your info. Criminals can pick up pieces from one company and use them to get more information out of another, and so on. They can use the end result to steal your identity, your bank account information, and other fell deeds.

Want To Cancel Your Internet? Here's Your Early Termination Fee

Want To Cancel Your Internet? Here's Your Early Termination Fee

Not all ISPs charge ETFs. Here’s a list of different providers and their fees:

Comcast: Chicago Going All Digital By July

Comcast: Chicago Going All Digital By July

If you’re one of those stone-age-type people who live in Chicago and don’t yet have a digital cable box, you’ll be getting one in July. Comcast has nearly completed a $400 million dollar upgrade and will discontinue analog broadcasts this summer. Customers who plug their cable directly into their TV will receive only local channels following the official switch. From the Chicago Tribune:

Completion of the upgrade means all Comcast customers that have basic service will need to exchange their analog set-top boxes for digital set-top boxes. The cable company will not charge an additional fee or raise rates for current analog customers, Schaefer said.

"Extra Innings" Will Remain On Cable

"Extra Innings" Will Remain On Cable

IN DEMAND also offered to make the Extra Innings subscription package available to other cable companies across the United States, MLB said. These operators also would be required to carry the MLB Channel once launched.

City Council Threatens To Fine Comcast $200 A Day For Not Picking Up The Phone

City Council Threatens To Fine Comcast $200 A Day For Not Picking Up The Phone

Another city is irked at their cable provider for not living up to the requirements of their franchise agreement. The city of College Park, MD (population 24,657) has proposed a letter threatening Comcast with fines of $200 a day if Comcast doesn’t improve the time it takes to answer the phone. “It’s stupid to try to call them,” said Jack Perry, a city council member who claims he once waited 35 minutes for Comcast to answer his call. “Nobody answers the phone.”