
Comcast Leaves Customer Information Out On the Curb for Anyone To See

Neighbors say the trash includes customers account information. This afternoon, when we looked at the piles of trash, you could see through the plastic what appeared to be customer bills.

Comcast doesn’t return calls about the problem. Can’t they afford a paper shredder?! At least make the ID thieves work for their money, Comcast. —MEGHANN MARCO

Cable War Fails To Lower Rates

Bills for thousands of Montgomery County cable viewers will increase by 4 percent starting March 1, when Comcast Corp., suburban Maryland’s largest cable television provider, raises rates throughout the Washington region.

Round 3: Comcast vs Sony

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Adopt A Pet With Comcast On Demand?

Adopt A Pet With Comcast On Demand?

Apparently, in some areas of the US you can view short videos of local pets who are in need of homes via Comcast on Demand.

Comcast Responds To Disconnecting "Unlimited" Customer For "Excessive" Use

Comcast issued The Consumerist a statement regarding, “Comcast Customer Uses “Unlimited Service” Excessively, Gets Disconnected For A Year“:

Comcast Customer Uses "Unlimited Service" Excessively, Gets Disconnected For A Year

UPDATE: Comcast responds.

Comcast Fined $12,281.84 For Not Answering The Phone Quickly Enough

Montgomery County, MD has fined Comcast $12,281.84 for not meeting the standards set by their franchise agreement. The agreement stated that Comcast would provide a level of customer service that they did not meet, and were fined accordingly. Specifically, they failed to answer the phone quickly enough. Is $12,281.84 enough of a fine to get Comcast to change their evil ways? Probably not, but Montgomery County, MD is setting a good example for other communities to follow. —MEGHANN MARCO

Comcast Wants You To Send Your Bill To A Mythical Greek Woman Nursed By A Bear

Comcast Wants You To Send Your Bill To A Mythical Greek Woman Nursed By A Bear

Comcast is asking you to send your bills to a character in Greek mythology (Not that the Consumerist never has a typo, but we digress…)

Ask The Consumerists: When Moving, Is It Better To Cancel Cable?


Cable Out? Ask For "Refund For The Day"

Matt has Comcast and whenever service goes out he calls up, does a little bitching softshoe, and then asks for a refund for that day of service. Depending on your subscription plan, this could be anywhere from between $2 to $5.

Senior Citizen Gets Comcasticed! i.e. Ripped Off

What would you call getting a bill for services you never received? How about fraud? That’s what Comcast is doing to one blogger’s mother.

Comcast Does Away With “All Day” Waiting

Comcast Does Away With “All Day” Waiting

Comcast has begun narrowing the window of time customers have to wait for technicians, says the Wall Street Journal.

iTunes + Netflix = Cancel Cable?

A blogger over at ZDNet realized that he could cancel part of his cable, order his shows on iTunes, watch movies on Netflix and save $300 a year.

Fake Comcast Worker Flees When Asked For ID

A man pretending to be a Comcast supervisor talked his way into a New Jersey home last Wednesday, but fled when asked for ID.

Comcast To Suck Less

Last week the FCC reiterated that Comcast needs to “unlock” it’s DVRs and set-top boxes. And, to make life even better, “The foot-dragging, tech-testing wing of the cable industry, Cable Labs, has finally standardized a two-way interactive CableCARD.” A CableCARD is a device that will allow a CableCARD ready TV to operate digital cable without a set-top box.

Attention: You Lowered Your Cable Bill

No, Paul, thank you for sharing your story.

Comcast: Your DVR Can Now Make Sweet, Tender Love to TiVo

Comcast: Your DVR Can Now Make Sweet, Tender Love to TiVo

Business Week is reporting that Comcast DVR owners can, for a fee, incorporate TiVo features into their existing DVRs without a visit from a “technician”. Oh, sweet mystery of technology. They didn’t say how much it will cost, but hey… Do you want it or not? —MEGHANN MARCO

Comcast Mistakenly Disconnects Telephone Number Customer Had For 54 Years

After more than five decades with the same phone number, Frances “Sugar” Shankman lost her number when Comcast mistakenly disconnected her line.” When Frances tried to get the number back, Comcast issued her a new one.