
Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Microsoft Wants You To Host Your Own Windows 7 Launch Party, Really

Everyone likes hosting launch parties, right?! What? No one likes them? They’re not real parties—just promotional events dreamed up to move units? But Microsoft told me that it’s okay to host my own launch party! It’ll be cool! Just look at these two married couples hanging out and gabbing like a box of birds about how much they love Windows 7.

Pizza Hut: 20% Off When You Order Via iPhone App

Pizza Hut: 20% Off When You Order Via iPhone App

Pizza Hut is giving a 20% discount on all orders placed via its new iPhone app. We found a user review on YouTube, and he likes it. Beyond the usual app gimmickry, pinching a pizza to make it smaller or larger and shaking the phone to make wings spicey, it also has the excellent function of storing all your coupons for easy use.

10 Credit Score Myths Annihilated In 60 Seconds

10 Credit Score Myths Annihilated In 60 Seconds

Ex-FICO exec Andy Jolls destroys 10 credit score myths in 60 seconds in this nice lil video. For credit score newbies, it’s a nice introduction and for experts it’s decent, and short, refresher.

Comic Duo Offers To Make Free Commercials For Local Businesses

Comic Duo Offers To Make Free Commercials For Local Businesses

Love local commercials? So do Rhett & Link, a couple of comics who film ads for local businesses everywhere. The spot below, for example, makes a delightfully inappropriate plea for racial unity while plugging North Carolina-based Red House Furniture (“We make furniture for black people and white people!”).

Danish Government Promotes Unwanted Pregnancies, Tourism

Danish Government Promotes Unwanted Pregnancies, Tourism

Here’s another one for the apology pile: the Danish government is apparently very, very sorry for creating one of the most bizarre tourism campaigns ever. VisitDenmark, which promotes tourism, created a fake website for a pretty young mom who got drunk one night, had sex with a stranger, ended up with a baby, then made an internet video to find the father. The story was purely a hoax—the young woman, an actor; the baby, not hers—and many people sucked in by the sad tale are now pissed off.

Video: Ditch Your Cell Phone Contract For Free

Video: Ditch Your Cell Phone Contract For Free

In this video, a blonde dame in glasses shows you how to escape your cellphone contract for free with several tried and true tips for defeating those $175 early termination fees.

Trend Watch: CEOs Apologizing Via YouTube

Trend Watch: CEOs Apologizing Via YouTube

Want to see a bunch of corporate executives apologizing? Thanks to the magical internet, now you can!

Should Kids Have Credit Cards?

Should Kids Have Credit Cards?

Should children have credit cards? Let’s ask ’em!

Never Curb Your Dog Again, But Embarrass Him Forever

Never Curb Your Dog Again, But Embarrass Him Forever

Your dog thinks he’s so fancy, walking around and ejecting poop wherever he wants like a furry softserve machine. You know what would put him in his place? A harness that lets you attach a poop bag to his butt. For the curious, there’s a video below that includes action shots.

How To Cook A Meal In Your Hotel Room

How To Cook A Meal In Your Hotel Room

We’ve never looked at a hotel’s bathroom counter and thought, “I could probably roll out some dough right there.” We’ve also never tried to use an iron for a hot plate, or shoved uncooked spinach into the coffee maker. But now that we’ve watched this proof of concept video from George Egg, we may consider going grocery shopping the next time we’re stuck in a hotel with an overpriced room service menu.

Revolutionize Your Butt With Winkers Jeans

Revolutionize Your Butt With Winkers Jeans

Move over Snuggie, there’s a new clothing-based innovation in town—and instead of hiding your curves under a human fumigation tent, this one turns your butt into fashion fuel and then sets it on fire! Best of all, if you want to be the president of the Winkers club and not just a member, licensing is available. Oh yes, of course there’s a video clip.

Dave Carroll Launches Second "United Breaks Guitars" Song And Video

Dave Carroll Launches Second "United Breaks Guitars" Song And Video

Musician Dave Carroll hit the jackpot with his first song, “United Breaks Guitars,” last month. The song, the video, and the subsequent media coverage formed a perfect anti-ad for United’s poor handling of customer property. Now he’s released the second of his planned three-song cycle and this one has more of a “we could have had something together” feel to it. Like any sequel, it’s about 600 times more elaborate. We’ll always love “United Breaks Guitars” most of all, but it’s great to see Carroll continue his one-man shaming of an airline for not doing the right thing when it had the chance.

Explain Phishing To Your Grandma

Explain Phishing To Your Grandma

Next time you find yourself struggling to explain how phishing works to the less than techno-savvy people in your life, perhaps just fire up this charming little video that explains it in plain English and engaging pieces of cut-out paper.

Computer Techs Are Still Pervs

Computer Techs Are Still Pervs

Best Buy will face stiff competition if it ever tries to penetrate the UK market, as this hidden camera investigation into peeping tom computer repair shops reveals.

World Of Warcraft Accounts Canceled Thanks To Rogue Payment Processor

World Of Warcraft Accounts Canceled Thanks To Rogue Payment Processor

Peoples’ World of Warcraft accounts are getting canceled because of some random payment processor they’ve never heard of is filing unauthorized chargebacks on their behalf, against their will. Their name is PaymentOne. What’s their deal? Ars Technica notes that this isn’t the first time allegations of fraud have arisen about the company. I guess this means a bunch of affected customers are left uninentionally doing re-enactments of this famous video:

Lady Friends, What Would You Buy Without Them?

Lady Friends, What Would You Buy Without Them?

In a recent Target Women episode, Sarah Haskins skewers Lady Friends, those female creatures particular to TV advertising. They can help you pick out a candle, get a great deal on shoes, or advise you in a crowded nightclub that previous commercial for Yaz are for the treatment of PMDD and mild acne, not PMS or major acne. They imitate human behaviors and real emotions, but everything they say has a price tag. “Friends, what would you buy without them?” quips Sarah.

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Switch To FiOs An Unmitigated Disaster

Do you know that Comcast commercial where this homeowner gets FiOs installed against his will and then all these bulldozers tear up his lawn and bumbling contractors cause an electrical short? Lelah’s letter describes a process that’s very similar, except worse and much longer. And then this salesman just picks up her guitar and starts playing it and singing without even asking first. No wonder, by story’s end, she’s been driven to the brink of insanity, demanding compensation for 5 missed days of work. So far, they’re offering her $25.

The Cutting Edge of Balloon Delivery

The Cutting Edge of Balloon Delivery

In my new personal version of hell, I’m the owner of a Beautiful Balloon franchise teaching my employees to develop artificial balloon delivery personas, with only this instructional video as my guide.