If you’ve got any plans to ever visit any beaches on the east coast, best get them in this summer before it’s too late. That’s the conclusion you can draw if this simulation by researchers of how the BP Gulf spill will look 360 days after April 20th comes to pass. [More]

Video: Guy Has Epic Meltdown At Mall Doors Because He Can't Shop During G20 Protests
Passions ran hot during the recent G20 summit and inevitable protests in Toronto. Riot police tromped, windows were smashed, monetary policy was set, and this would-be consumer screamed at the locked doors of the mall for a good two minutes demanding to be let in so he could exercise his inalienable right to shop and really show those capitalist pigs what for. [More]

Costner's Waterworldian Devices To Clean Up BP Oil Spill
From the fell through the cracks file, Kevin Costner is going to save us all from the BP oil spill, using technology inspired by the urine-drinking opening sequence to Waterworld. Except this time the noxious substance extracted from the water will be oil and no one will drink it. [More]

Consumer Reports Video Faceoff: Droid X vs. iPhone 4
Playing like a polite re-enactment of a gadget blog comments section flame war, two Consumer Reports journalists pit the features of the iPhone 4 against the new Droid X in this video thunderdome. Who will win? Will the iPhone’s Retina blind the Droid’s amber oculus? Or will the Droid’s tapered top-knob bash the iPhone into shards? “Two phones enter… one phone leaves…” [More]

Consumer Reports Tries Out Chevy Volt, Enjoys Driving It
Yes, Virginia, there is an electric car. Sibling Consumer Reports got their hands on a pre-production model of the Chevy Volt, a new plug-in electric car hitting the asphalt this fall. It has a range of 40 miles on just electric. After the battery is depleted, the gas engine kicks in, extending the total range to 300 miles. Yep, you can plug it in to a standard outlet. But how’s the ride? [More]

VIDEO: What's So Dangerous About Drop-Side Cribs?
So 2 million drop-side cribs were recalled this morning, but what is it about drop-side cribs that leads to can lead to baby entrapment, even death? What should you do if you own a drop-side crib? What’s the deal with the immobilizer devices? How do you test it to make sure its safe? Can I fix the crib myself? The CPSC answers these questions and more in a new video released this morning: [More]

Yankees And Mets Among Baseball's Biggest Online Ticket Fee Gougers
A new study released by Rep. Weiner shows that Yankees and Mets fans are bleeding more than just their team colors, they’re also getting gouged with some of the highest online ticketing fees in baseball. [More]

This Japanese Ad Will Initially Confound You
See if you can guess before this Japanese ad is over what the product is they’re actually advertising. Go on, I dare you. [More]

Try New Tylenol Cheesesteaks
Curing a headache shouldn’t be a headache. That’s why there’s new Tylenol Cheesesteak Rapid Release pain-relievers. It’s a delicious Philly Cheesesteak whose savory juices have been doused in the Paracetamol you love, but without the hassle. Plus a cheesesteak! [More]

Kill The Cable Bill, Keep The Shows
Bryan over at Consumerism Commentary says he “felt a little dirty paying a monthly bill and watching advertisements at the same time.” So he canceled his cable TV and put together a Mac Mini-based system to watch “99%” of all the shows he and his wife liked, online, for free. This is video describing how he did. Like with all good nerdy projects, it begins with a spreadsheet. [More]

BP-Hired Mercenaries Keep Reporters From Interviewing Workers
This video shows a BP-hired mercenaries working for “Talon Security” trying to keep WDSU-New Orleans reporter Scott Walker from talking to cleanup crews on a public beach. I would normally say something like, “Apparently they didn’t get the memo last week from from National Incident Commander Thad Allen and BP Chief Operating Officer Doug Suttles that the media is to have full access to oil-affected areas and to cleanup workers,” – except that the mercs in the video are perfectly aware of the memos, and yet continue to obstruct the journalist! [More]

Unfortunately Named Products: Aciphex
Remember how when you were writing essays in school teachers would say that you should read your work aloud before handing it in? To see if you could catch any typos or strange-sounding phrases? Well, the nomenclature-smiths who came up with heartburn drug “Aciphex,” seem to have forgotten that important lesson. Watch the ad and you’ll hear what I’m talking about: “Fred, you have acid reflux disease. I want you to try prescription ass effects.” [More]

Halfway To Our Donation Goal! $4,870.44 Raised
Thank you! Consumerist readers have donated $4,870.44 to our donation drive, putting us within spitting distance of being halfway to the $10,000 we’re aiming for. You contribution helps shoulder the burden of putting on this crazy blog show with over 30 posts a day and new content nearly 365 days a year. To help us meet our goal, out, visit donatetoconsumerist.com (FAQ). P.S. Thank you for all the cat pictures you guys gave last time. [More]

New Google Phone Whispers Targeted Ads In Your Ears
So this is how Google is going to make the Nexus One work: Advanced voice-recognition technnology will whisper targeted ads directly into your ears, reports The Onion. [More]

BP Sucking Off 1,000 Barrels/Day From Spill, Only Thousands More To Go
By attaching a mile-long pipe to its leaking well, BP is now able to slurp off 1,000 barrels of oil daily. The Gulf of Mexico spill currently emits about 5,000 barrels of oil per day, according to BP/Coast Guard/NOAA estimates, which have been challenged by independent scientists who put the figure more at 70,000 barrels per day, and criticized BP for using methodology specifically not recommended for measuring large oil spills. BP’s response: we’re here to stop the oil, not measure it. Scientists are also concerned that the oil could reach a major stream that would ferry it into the Florida Keys and up the East Coast. Looks like we’re gonna need a bigger milkshake straw. [More]

$4,675.44 Raised – Mountain Of Candy Explodes
We know why you read Consumerist and why you donate. For one thing, it’s for our gripping reports from the front-lines of candy stores across America. [More]

Cat Picture Shortage Detected: Donate Now!
In this informative video, Ben demonstrates how the scientifically-calibrated instruments at Consumer Reports have determined there is a severe shortage of cat photos on Consumerist. With your support, we can work together to alleviate this crisis. (btw – we know about the Paypal problems where some people’s transactions weren’t completing and they would get bounced back to the main screen, are very sorry about them, and have disabled Paypal until we get it straightened out). [More]

VIDEO: Store Clerk Learns He's $258.5 Million Powerball Winner
If you’ve ever played the lottery, here’s your chance to vicariously live through the moment of realizing you’re the winner. Store clerk Chris Shaw recently became a $258.5 million Powerball winner of the Missouri lottery, and here’s the footage of him arriving at the gas station where he bought it and learning he gets all the marbles. If anything he seems pretty aw shucks and humble about it. [More]