Wondering how that Target boycott is going? Here’s a video of an in-store protest complete with dance routine and Improv Everywhere type theatrics, set to the tune of Depeche Mode’s “People are People.” [More]

The Secret Life Of The Majestic Plastic Bag
Have you ever wished the plastic bag from American Beauty got its own spinoff? Your dream has come true. This is a mock nature documentary narrated by Jeremy Irons that follows “one of the most clever and illustrious creatures: the plastic bag” from its first birthing into the wild all the way to its ultimate home, the Pacific gyre. [More]

Chase Foreclosing On 90-Year-Old Even Though Son Is Willing To Pay
Chase is proceeding full steam ahead with foreclosing on a 90-year-old woman’s condo even though her son has offered to pay it off. Rather than get the full amount of the mortgage paid in full, they prefer to incur the expenses of a foreclosure and sell it at a loss. [More]

Taiwan's Cartoon Version Of Dodge's Invisible Ape Ad
Taiwan News has decided that the best way to cover the story about how Dodge swapped out an ape in their ad that PeTA was pissed about with an invisibile monkey is through the magic of animated reenactment. Watch for the animated flames shooting out of the phone. [More]

30,000 Storm Atlanta Parking Lot To Get Public Housing Apps
The last time public housing rosters were opened up, the city got 2,400 apps. This time, they thought maybe 10,000 would show up. Instead, an estimated 30,000 people descended on an Atlanta parking lot last week so they could pick up an application for public housing. 60 had to be taken to the hospital after fights or just from heat exhaustion. It was 90-100 degrees. And this is just to get on a waiting list. To get an actual voucher can take 8-10 more years. [More]

Pillow Fight Breaks Out On Airplane
A pillow fight broke out among tourists sitting in economy on a Lufthansa airplane this summer, and even the flight attendant got in on the action, laughing and tossing out more fluffy ammunition. In the end everyone claps and laughs. Aw! [More]

Notorious Alleged Stolen Credit Card Data Reseller Arrested, But His Promo Cartoon Remains
An alleged big-time old-school credit card data reseller was arrested in France and extradited to America after Department of Justice investigators arranged to buy some credit card data off him via ICQ. His reign as king jerk may have ended, but the flash cartoon he used to promote his netherworldly services is still online (NSFW). [More]

Dodge Complies With PETA By Replacing Ape With Invisible Ape
PETA was mad at Dodge for running an ad that had a chimpanzee in it, considering the history of abuse monkeys have suffered in the entertainment industry. Not that any happened to this monkey, just to monkeys before it. In any event, in the revised version Dodge complied and digitally erased the monkey in the track suit…. but now there’s just a disembodied suit walking over and pressing the dynamite lever. Dexter’s Michael C. Hall monotones in the voiceover, “Oh wait, there’s an invisible monkey.” Hilarity! [More]

Dramatic Animated Recreation Of Flight Attendant Quitting, Using Emergency Slide
Taiwan news media produced this thrilling animated replay of how JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater quit his job, complete with cursing on the PA, beer grab, emergency slide run, and embracing his lover. This looks like the making of the best Sims mod ever! [More]

Pop-Tarts Open Times Square Pop-Up Store With Pop-Tart Sushi
In order to satisfy the staggering outcry for Pop-Tart related services, the iconic toaster treat has opened up a store in Times Square. One of the delicacies they serve is “Pop-Tart Sushi,” three kinds of minced Pop-Tarts rolled in fruit roll-up. [More]

Fake Family Lives In Real IKEA
Guy Ben-Ner shot a short sitcom in which a family drama is played out while the characters are depicted as living inside an IKEA. They shot it in within three different IKEAs, one in Berlin, one in Israel and one in New Jersey, and its edited so the action flows seamlessly between the scenarios. Real customers walk by and at one point almost steal the camera. Amusing commentary on consumer culture and geopolitics and damned clever idea. [More]

Consumer Reports Tests The Ab Coaster
The Ab Coaster promises to give you rock hard abdominals within weeks, so Consumer Reports decided to put their claims to the test. Especially the one about its patented “bottom up” method. [More]

Guy Hacks ATM To Spew Money, Play Music
Whether it’s a steel door or an encrypted network, thieves are always finding ways to break down the barriers that protect money. And the new technologies are also enabling bank robbers to invent new ways to jack cash with flair and razzle dazzle. Exhibit A, a security researcher at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas demonstrates on-stage how one can remotely hack an ATM to make it spew money while playing a lively tune. [More]

Jamba Juice To McD: Suck On Our Cheeseburger Smoothies
To fight back at McDonald’s jumping in on its smoothie game, Jamba Juice has launched a new line of “Cheeseburger Chill Smoothies.” [More]

BP Staff "Deeply Affected" By Coffee Spill Parody Video
BP’s Managing Director, Bob Dudley, reacts to the seeing for the first time the viral hit video “BP Spills Coffee” in a PBS interview. He says that the video has “deeply affected” the staff at BP and it “makes their shoulders go down.” [More]

Introducing The Snuggie D-Lux
The Snuggie D-Lux solve a big problem for male Snuggie fans: if the fleece robe has completely covered your front, what happens when you need to access your man parts? Removing the robe could leave you feeling cold, isolated, and remind you that we’re in a recession. But now there’s the Snuggie D-Lux, the robe with three sleeves! NSFW, the D in D-Lux stands for something naughty. [More]