
Half-Day Today

(Thanks to c-side for the vid.) — BEN POPKEN

Save Money On Gym Membership By Working Out At Walmart

They’ve got everything you need: free weights exercise bikes, treadmills, and even fishing poles! (Taffeta not included) — BEN POPKEN

Hack Your AC Adaptors To Power Low Voltage Electronics

This example shows converting a cellphone adaptor for use with a computer fan.

Angry Dropped Call Man!

Coincidentally enough, we smashed on cellphone yesterday. We were just trying to bang the desk in anger, because we couldn’t think of anything to post about and someone kept IMing us over and over with silly questions. Unfortunately the cellphone was right below our fist and now our screen is cracked. We wonder if the cellphone insurance we purchased covers rage. — BEN POPKEN

Ernst & Young’s Super Awesome Motivational Video

It shows some kind of American cabaret singer leading a group of E&Y employees in a ballrooms singalong.

AXA Motivational Video: “The Best Company of Future”

Does anyone want to make one of these for us? Follow the Consumerist way! —MEGHANN MARCO

Dude Fixes His iBook By Lighting it On Fire

DIY Obsolete iBook Logic Board Repair [Geek Technique via Make]

Best Buy Agrees On Tape, “We Do Have A Jackass Working In Our Department”

Reader something_amazing was having less than amazing luck reaching Best Buy. He wanted to know what Roombas they had in stock. When he called, he would wait on hold for five minutes, only to be disconnected. He could actually hear the phone being picked up and then hung up. He had success after we told him to dial extension 2180.

ElmoTMX On Fire

More videos as they keep burning the Elmo, inside. For ultimate effect, play all at the same time.

Verizon Says Cellphone Ads Only For Users Who Want Them…

John called asking about the ads Verizon is poised to put ads on the internet services accessed by its cellphone users.

Lost Luggage Found In Dumpster

Lost Luggage Found In Dumpster

The dumpster near the George Bush Intercontinental Airport contained dozens upon dozens of suitcases. Many were rifled through and missing valuables, including presents, camcorders and computers.

Don’t Buy Pre-Marinated Meats

To this end, we’ve uploaded a series of instructional videos produced by the “Ontario Pork Producers Marketing Board” on “value-added cutting.”

Caroling Roombas

Here at Consumerist we didn’t make a cute Holiday Greeting video like the drunks at Gawker did, so we just ripped this off from Tod at Hacking Roomba. Because nothing says “Holidays” like a Roomba in a Santa hat—or something….—MEGHANN MARCO

FedEX Loses Vincent Ferrari’s Package

FedEX Loses Vincent Ferrari’s Package

Vincent ordered two scanners from CDW. One arrived, the other didn’t.

Wrap Your Windows For Winter

Shrink Wrap Your Windows For Winter [Curbly]

Jiffy Lube Begs For Forgiveness

Jiffy Lube is now running an ad asking customers to give them a second chance.

Same Zune Gay Porn Post, Now With Video Included

CHANELL: “And she asks me what is this? And I’m like, I don’t know what that thing does. So she gave it to me, and it was a homosexual orgy… that they had videotaped for an hour and 44 minutes.”