
Bad Canoe

(NSFW, cursing) — BEN POPKEN

We Reupload Heinous PSP Flog Videos Sony Removed

UPDATE: The 807 comments that were on the Dancing Petey video, after the jump.

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Transcript Of Verizon Still Not Knowing Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Inside is the phone transcript of another user experiencing the same problem as George. Verizon told Peter he was to be charged .0015 cents per kilobyte for data usage. Instead, they charged him .0015 dollars.

YouTubers Post Videos In Response To Verizon Math Call

5Six different video have already gone up on YouTube in response to our upload of George’s original “Verizon Can’t Count” phone call.

Verizon Doesn’t Know Difference Between Dollars And Cents

Verizon doesn’t know the difference between .002 cents and .002 dollars.

VIDEO: No $1600 Camera But Here’s A Jar Of Pasta Sauce

Finally, a spaghetti western that doesn’t end in a flurry of bullets. — BEN POPKEN

Best Buy Employee’s Video On How The Store Screws You Over

Remember, don’t go to Best Buy without doing your product research first. The only thing you should ask a BB employee is “where is this item located?” Or, “where is the exit?” — BEN POPKEN

Hot Tub Dealer Sets Up “Competitive” Fair Where It’s The Only Seller

Much like the pearl buyers in Steinbeck’s The Pearl, Master Spas in Minneapolis sets up a hot tub fair promoted with the line, “15 manufacturer’s compete for your business!” However, the only business actually selling at the convention is Master Spas. KSTP investigates.

EXCLUSIVE: TBWA’s Vomit-Soaked Holiday Party Invite

The holiday party invite from TBWAChiatDay, NYC, has the answer, and it’s not pretty.

Auto Shop Doesn’t Do Any Work It’s Paid To, Hidden Cameras Reveal

Two years ago, the AG sued franchiser Francare Inc. As a result of a settlement, the company agreed to stop deceptive trade practices. Apparently, the suit didn’t make enough of an impression. Perhaps this next one will.

Don’t Buy Richard Simmons’ Exploding Steamer

Are these manufactured by Sony?— BEN POPKEN

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

Demand A T-Mobile Hotspot Refund And Get It

T-mobile’s hotspot this morning in the Charlotte airport didn’t let us on the internet, but were still charged $9.99. Visions of David Berlind’s similar battle dancing in our eyes, we called up T-Mobile, demanded a refund, and got it. Word.

Enroll In The Viral Video Learning Center

“I’ve got my finger on the pulse of all the coolest internet trends. Even my kids are jealous of all the hits my video is getting.”

Home Depot Investigated For Scammy Remodelling Services

Home Depot claims you won’t have to deal with subcontractors, but they do use subcontractors. When something goes wrong, and consumers complain, Home Depot avoids or ignores their repeated phone calls and letters.

Chase’s Opt-Out Notice Misleads Customers Into Canceling

Chase’s Opt-Out Notice Misleads Customers Into Canceling

Earlier this month, Chase sent out a change of terms notice which mislead some customers into canceling their accounts by accident.

EXCLUSIVE: Black Friday Best Buy, Vomitorium Of Sexy Shopping

With hidden camera, we prowled the aisles of Best Buy and absorbed the horror and glory of Black Friday.

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

Fight Videos Black Friday Roundup

All the newscasts seem determined to show Black Friday shoppers as an orderly stream of value-conscious consumers, en masse as they are.

What Can A Black Man Get On Black Friday?

Can anyone identify this morning show? We’d like to try and find the rest of the Black Santa clip.