Your home printer might be truly awesome, but unless you’re trying to trick cashiers who have no concept of what real money looks like, you’re probably not going to fool anyone into thinking that the $20 bills produced in your home office are the real deal. [More]

Reminder: If Your Password Is “123456,” Change It
While one might think that there cannot possibly still be anyone out there who would use incredibly easy-to-guess passwords like, for example, “123456,” one would be wrong: according to a new study, that’s still the most popular password in the world. Sigh. [More]

Alamo Drafthouse CEO Explains Why Letting People Text During Movies Is Terrible
Alamo Drafthouse, a Texas-based movie theater mini-chain where can watch movies and drink beer, takes its policy against phone use during movies seriously. It’s not to be mean, or as one notorious customer alleged, so they can sell people tickets and then throw them out. That’s why the theater’s founder and CEO, Tim League, felt that he needed to respond to an interview where new AMC Theaters CEO Adam Aron said that he might be open to allowing phone use during movies. [More]

Colorado DOT Installing Fake Arcade Racing Game At Pot Shops To Warn Players Against Driving While High
Now that marijuana is legal in Colorado, state officials want to make sure that drivers know it’s not just alcohol that shouldn’t be with you behind the wheel, but pot as well. The state’s Department of Transportation is publicizing that message ahead of the April 20 (4/20) celebrations in the state by way of a fake driving game installed at various dispensaries. [More]

Yes, Consumerist Is Going To CES
Yes, it’s that time of year again. Consumerist will be tagging along with Consumer Reports to the Consumer Electronics Show. How shall you follow our adventure? On Twitter, naturally. Follow @Consumerist. This account will be staffed by the inimitable Chris Morran, who will be continuing the fine tradition of making Best Buy uneasy with his presence. Be sure to say hello if you spot us on the floor. [More]

Ben Popken Says Farewell To
Dear readers,
This was my last week writing for you. Keeping up with the word on Main Street has been incredibly rewarding and kept me in touch with the rest of America while perched inside my Brooklyn blog castle. Because even though it’s my byline on my posts, it’s you, the readers, who drive what I write. It’s your stories and comments that make Consumerist great. Thank you for letting me spend 6 years with you. I just hope these monitor-induced double-bags and dark circles under my eyes aren’t permanent.

Man Who Drank Glass Of Fat Walks Off Can Of Soda
The same guy who drank a glass of fat to demonstrate the lard-inducing effects of soft drinks is back. This time he shows how long you have to walk to burn off the calories from a can of soda. It takes three miles! That’s the distance from Union Square to Brooklyn in New York. [More]

Get Expert Legal Advice From JustAnswer
UPDATE: Today we announced a partnership with the advice service JustAnswer and, as you’ll see below, immediately got lots of push back from loyal readers. We hear you, and your cautions are taken to heart. [More]

Consumerist Makes Time's List Of Top Financial Blogs
Time Magazine has just posted its list of the 25 Best Financial Blogs and listed among such luminaries as Paul Krugman of the New York Times, NPR’s Planet Money, Freakonomics and The Atlantic’s Megan McArdle is a little site you may have heard of. You might even be reading it right now. [More]

Follow Consumerist On Twitter, RSS, Facebook
Did you know you can follow Consumerist on Twitter and get all our headlines that way? Or read us in RSS? Or fan us on Facebook and only get a selection of our most popular stories? Yep, it’s true! Take our hand and jump on in, the water is nice. [More]

Win $1000 For Making A Picture About The Dangers Of Debt
Make a picture illustrating “The Dangers of Being in Debt” and you could win $1,000 in our publisher Consumers Union’s new contest. Simply submit your Photoshop, drawing of a spider, collage or what have you on this Facebook page. Get people to vote for you and the image with the most votes wins. Then you can use your cash prize to pay down your credit card debit. See, it all circles back… [More]

Donate To Consumerist And Get A Tax Deduction
Tax Cat here, taking over from my cousin Holiday Cat, to remind you of an important deadline: You have until midnight on Friday to make a donation to Consumerist and use it as a deduction on your 2010 taxes. Consumerist? Tax deduction? That’s right. Consumer Media LLC, a not-for-profit Delaware limited liability corporation, publishes The Consumerist. We’re looking to raise $10,000 in the next few weeks. Help us now, and 2011 will be an even more awesome year for this site. That is why you should give us some money. Also: there are other reasons. [More]

Consumerist Makes TIME's 25 Best Blogs of 2010
The results are in and Consumerist is gracing TIME’s 25 best blogs of 2010. I guess they’re using using a fiscal calendar year? In any event, we enjoy giving and receiving awards. In their writeup, TIME said of us: [More]

How Should Consumerist Handle Movie Reviews?
There has been some discussion here about the possibility of starting a weekly guide to newly released movies. Given the billions spent each year at the theater, and the buyer’s remorse many consumers feel after plunking down $12 for an unpleasant experience, it only makes sense that we figure out a way to let readers know what’s out there and whether or not it’s worth the money in your wallet. Question is: How? [More]

Snag Last-Minute Seat To CU Activist Summit
There’s still a few seats left that you can snag for the Consumers Union Activist Summit in Washington DC, next week, June 9-11. [More]

Consumerists Raise $6,318.17
Muchos gracias everyone who chipped in during our Consumerist $10 for $10,000 donation drive. We only got to $6,318.17, but hey, for a recession, that’s still pretty great. You can donate at any time throughout the year, just hit the “donate” button at the top of the page, or visit (FAQ). Thanks again! Now back to your regularly scheduled programming, already in progress. [More]

Consumerists Raise $5,113.30
You guys have opened up your hearts and wallets to us mightily, raising $5,113.30. Thanks! Every donation makes you a stakeholder in the future of Consumerist. Every dollar is a vote for independent, non-profit, ad-free blogging, for your right to get what you deserve from in the marketplace, and to mock those who don’t live up to their part of the bargain. We’re ending this drive Monday, let’s give it a last weekend push and see how much closer we can get to $10k! (Today is payday, right? nudge nudge, even just ten bucks gets us closer to our goal) (FAQ) [More]
Make Neat Symbols In The Comments
Do you wish you could make neat symbols like < in The Consumerist comments? Here’s how! [More]