If you’re one of the 49.71% of our readers who, when polled, thought that Dorito-encrusted fried chicken sounded like an amazing idea, we have great news. Kind of. Yum Brands has brought this idea one step closer to reality: as they whispered to some food bloggers a few months ago, tortilla-encrusted fried chicken strips have left the imaginations of Taco Bell’s food scientists and leapt onto restaurant menus in three states. [More]

28,980 Pounds Of Chicken Kiev Recalled For Connection With Salmonella Illness
Sometimes you want Chicken Kiev but don’t feel like pounding out the chicken breasts, stuffing them with butter and herbs, and then cooking them. But if you’ve got some Antioch Farms Chicken Kiev sitting in your freezer, check the label because 29,000 pounds of the pre-stuffed chicken have been recalled for possible Salmonella contamination. [More]

Intruders Massacred 920 Chickens With A Golf Club, No One Knows Why
Two weeks ago, an act of vandalism and animal cruelty occurred in a shed housing chickens belonging to meat producer Foster Farms. Someone entered a farm through a hole in the fence and clubbed 920 chickens to death for no clear reason. [More]

Tyson Decides To Feed Slightly Fewer Drugs To Its Chickens
When it comes to reducing the enormous amount of antibiotics being fed to animals solely for growth-promotion, just about any news is good news. So we welcome today’s announcement from Tyson that it will cease using antibiotics in its hatcheries, but still have concerns about the drugs being fed to birds once they leave the hatchery. [More]

Trucker Abandons Trailer With 35K Pounds Of Raw Chicken After Failed Ransom Attempt
Warning: If the thought of rotting chicken is something that will put you off your lunch, stop reading now. Because law enforcement near Missoula, MT have quite a bit of a smelly headache to deal with, after a trucker abandoned a trailer packed with 35,000 pounds of raw chicken at a truck stop on Tuesday. [More]

KFC Customer Claims His Dinner Has Foretold The Outcome Of Scotland’s Independence Vote
While the United Kingdom stands poised on the brink of a possibly fractured future, one man says he already knows the outcome of Scotland’s vote on independence: It’s going solo, according to a piece of chicken he bought from KFC. Well, that’s decided. [More]

Perdue Stops Using Antibiotics In Chicken Hatcheries
There’s some good news for a change for those concerned about the rampant use of antibiotics in animal feed. Perdue, the nation’s most well-known chicken producer claims that 95% of its chickens will now be antibiotic-free (sort of) after removing all antibiotics from chicken hatcheries. [More]

USDA Changes Up The Way It’s Been Inspecting Poultry Plants For The Last 50 Years
In an effort to stem the tide of foodborne illnesses hitting the country every year via chicken and turkey, the Obama administration has announced new rules for poultry plants, revamping the rules its used for inspections for the first time since 1957. But critics are crying foul, calling the government out for failing to address the role antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria plays in the poultry industry. [More]

How Loophole In Tainted Food Recalls Bit Chicken Company In The Butt
For more than a year, chicken producer Foster Farms has been tied to a salmonella outbreak that has sickened hundreds of people, resulted in the shutdown of a Foster plant and the destruction of more than a million pounds of meat. But a loophole in USDA guidelines meant that that the company didn’t issue any recalls until just last week. Now it’s that same loophole that appears to be coming back to bite Foster in the derriere. [More]

Police: Man Swipes 72 Pounds Of Whole Frozen Chickens, Drops’Em Off At Day Care
Let’s get one thing straight — day care is meant for children, not for stashing things you don’t have time to take care of at the moment. For example: 72 pounds worth of whole, frozen chickens that police say one man swiped from a truck and decided to hide at a local day care. [More]

New Law Would Give USDA Authority To Recall Contaminated Meat & Eggs
The current, vague laws regarding what constitutes “adulterated” meat, poultry or eggs have hamstrung the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, leaving the agency unsure whether it has the authority to recall food that contains drug-resistant pathogens. A new law introduced in the House today aims to clarify what constitutes “adulterated” meat, thus giving the USDA the legal standing it needs to issue much-needed recalls. [More]

Chick-Fil-A Pay-It-Forward Chain In Florida Lasts For 36 Cars
Very few things other than kittens warm the cold, hard hearts of Consumerist editors like in-store pay-it-forward chains. You know, where each customer in a drive-thru line offers to pay the bill of the person behind them in line. This miffs some people, but most take it in the spirit of community and awesomeness with which it’s intended. It’s happened yet again, at a Chick-Fil-A in Florida. [More]

Snuggle Up With A Giant Chicken Drumstick
We’re not sure why you would want to snuggle up with a giant pillow shaped like a chicken leg. If that’s a longtime dream of yours, it might as well be a super-realistic one, though, right? that’s why the company Beloved offers this stunning, hyper-realistic pillow shaped like an enormous chicken leg for all of your combined nap/snacktime needs. [Beloved via Foodbeast] [More]

Kroger Sued Over Labeling Of “Simple Truth” Chicken
As we’ve discussed before, many commonly used food labels like “organic” and “natural” can mean very little and are often just marketing lingo. Now the folks at Kroger are facing a potential class-action lawsuit that could determine whether its Simple Truth products lives up to the promises on the label. [More]

Tractor-Trailer Overturns, Spills 40,000 Pounds Of Chicken
This was not the kind of icy, light-colored material that one expects to find strewn across the road in January. A tractor-trailer hauling frozen chicken from Texas to South Carolina overturned yesterday morning on a highway onramp near Atlanta. When the vehicle overturned, the chicken spilled out across the onramp. [More]

Chicken Plant Draws Ire Of Advocacy Groups, Shutters For Second Time In One Week
Chicken processing company Foster Farms is not having a good year. Just two days after the U.S. Department of Agriculture lifted last week’s suspension for a cockroach infestation, Foster voluntarily shut down operations at its Livingston, CA, plant Sunday, while continuing to come under fire from consumer advocates. [More]

It’s Probably Best To Make Sure A Contest Is Still Running Before Spending Wads Of Cash To Win It
While dedication to the task before you is admirable, if that task is actually pointless the dedication can turn well, a bit sad. A man in the UK has earned not the prize of unlimited meals forever from his favorite chicken joint, but instead the pity of strangers after he realized the contest he spent a bunch of money on to win wasn’t even running anymore. [More]