There are a number of odors that might permeate through an airplane that could make occupants sick: fuel, exhaust, travelers’ farts, but nail polish remover? That was apparently the case on a recent JetBlue flight, sending two crew members to the hospital. [More]
what’s that smell?

Tyson Recalls 50,000 Pounds Of Chicken Wings Because They Don’t Smell Right, Could Cause Illness
If those Tyson hot wings sitting in the freezer don’t smell quite right, then they might be part of the company’s latest recall of more than 50,000 pounds of cooked chicken wings that could cause people who eat them to become sick. [More]

Kombucha Makers Pushing Government Regulators For New Alcohol Content Tests
Whether you enjoy drinking fermented beverages or you think your friends are crazy for guzzling something that smells sort of like vinegar and dirt, you’re probably aware that kombucha tea is pretty popular these days. You also might know that the drinks contain a low level of alcohol, which means makers have to include a special note on their label indicating as much. Kombucha companies are now trying to convince the government to adopt new alcohol content tests, claiming that the current system spurs fines and enforcement actions from regulators needlessly. [More]

Car Air Freshener Company Thinks Proposal To Open Slaughterhouse Next To Its Corporate HQ Stinks
You might’ve used a pine tree-shaped air freshener in your car to make sure your vehicle doesn’t smell like an animal died inside it. Car-Freshner, the company behind those rearview mirror accessories also wants to make sure its space doesn’t smell like meat, and is warning officials in a New York town that it’ll move its corporate headquarters if a proposed slaughterhouse opens up next door. [More]

Trucker Abandons Trailer With 35K Pounds Of Raw Chicken After Failed Ransom Attempt
Warning: If the thought of rotting chicken is something that will put you off your lunch, stop reading now. Because law enforcement near Missoula, MT have quite a bit of a smelly headache to deal with, after a trucker abandoned a trailer packed with 35,000 pounds of raw chicken at a truck stop on Tuesday. [More]

Pennsylvania Lawmaker Wants To Ban Axe Body Spray From Ever Wafting Through Schools Again
After a Pennsylvania high school student suffered such a severe reaction to the smell of Axe Body Spray — that teen cologne that we imagine smells like a cross between Justin Bieber’s morning breath and that time a raccoon got caught in the copier — he was hospitalized, a state lawmaker is trying to ban the stuff from tickling the nostrils of students who are allergic. [More]

Hot Food Lovers Rejoice! Sriracha Factory Avoids Shutdown For Now
Days after a lawsuit by a California city put the future of the much-loved but hard-to-pronounce Sriracha chili sauce in jeopardy, the judge in the case has denied the plaintiff’s request to shut the plant down until it deals with odor issues. [More]

Texas Walmart Evacuated After Shoppers Release Mysterious Spray Into Air
Imagine you’re enjoying a peaceful Sunday night of shopping at Walmart when suddenly a pair of doofuses (doofi?) choose to unleash some sort of spray that causes folks in the store to start choking and wheezing. Next thing you know, you’re being rushed out of the building with more than 100 other customers. [More]

At Least One Hostess Plant Reopened, Prepping To Re-Snackify Store Shelves
It’s been many months since Twinkies, Drake’s Cakes, Ding Dongs and numerous other sugary sweet snacks vanished from stores following the shutdown of parent company Hostess Brands. Now comes a whiff of really good news for snack fans, as at least one of the shuttered plants is prepping to go back into production. [More]

School Asks Teens To Lay Off The Axe Body Spray After Student Suffers Severe Allergic Reaction
Anyone who’s ever smelled Axe Body Spray or any Axe products probably has their own opinion on the scent of the stuff, so we shall refrain from voicing ours, but for one teenager in Pennsylvania, it wasn’t just that he didn’t like the smell. He had such a bad physical reaction to the scent that he had to go to the hospital, prompting his high school to ask other students to refrain from dousing themselves in it. [More]

Boston Airport Workers Hospitalized After Bag Emits Strange Odor
Just a reminder, folks¬†– don’t pack potentially hazardous materials in your bags when catching a flight. Four workers at Logan International Airport in Boston were sent the hospital when a bag reportedly started emitting a strange odor. [More]

Kellogg's Recalls 28 Million Boxes Of Cereal Over Stinky Box Liners
A few weeks after getting slapped on the wrist by the FTC for the second time in a year, the Kellogg Company’s cereal division has another embarrassment on its hands — a recall of 28 million boxes of Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, Froot Loops and Honey Smacks due to “an uncharacteristic off-flavor and smell coming from the liner in the package.” [More]

Pith & Vinegar: Special Questions Edition
• Are asking questions a copout from doing hardcore blogging? [The Consumerist]

Why Is This Garnier Shampoo So Stinky?
What is this fell odor wafting out our Garnier shampoo bottle? Garnier products are great, especially the gel (oh my gawd, yes!), so we were surprised to open it this morning, having previously used it with no smelly problem at all–and gag.