Forget free health care and cool winter hats, the real reason to move to Canada is poutine, better known as french fries smothered in melted cheese and scrumptious gravy. So now that we’ve heard that Burger King was starting to offer this dish to north-of-the-border customers, we want to know: What about us? [More]

Burger King Selling Cheesy, Gravy-licious Poutine To Canadians, Doesn't Bother To Ask If We Want Any

Nivea Fined For Saying Skin Cream Makes You Slimmer
The distributor of Nivea in Canada has been fined nearly 400,000 Loonies for marketing the “My Silhouette” skin cream as making you slimmer. As opposed to the usually vague nonsense talk surrounding skin and beauty product pitches, this one claimed users could expect a “reduction of up to three centimetres on targeted body parts, such as thighs, hips, waist and stomach.” [More]

Police Remind Shopper That A Full-Sized Fridge Does Not Fit Into The Trunk Of A Honda Accord
A full-sized refrigerator is a pretty sizable appliance, usually requiring at least a van or pickup truck to haul to its destination. This is something the police in Richmond, British Columbia, had to remind a shopper who thought a few ropes and a prayer would get his fridge home in the trunk of a Honda Accord. [More]

Make Sure Your Mobile Phone Doesn't Sneak Off To Canada While You're Sleeping
Tara’s stepson is part of her AT&T family plan. He’s young, so his account is fairly locked down: he can’t buy ringtones or games or even access the Internet at all. So why did his phone rack up $50 worth of data roaming in Canada, when he was 150 miles from the border at the time of the alleged downloads? Tara doesn’t know. Her stepson doesn’t know. And AT&T Wireless isn’t all that sure, either. [More]

Staples Canada Accused Of Selling Computers With Old User Data On Hard Drive
Staples stores in Canada have some explaining to do after a government audit found evidence that the office supply chain was violating Canadian privacy law by selling used computers and storage drives that still contained data belonging to the previous owner. [More]

Video Evidence That Rats Like Starbucks Too
Lest you think that rats are only fans of garbage, cheese and fine French cuisine, here is proof that they are addicted to the sweet, sugary beverages at Starbucks. [More]

Healthy Cooking Teacher Must Stop Taking Name Of Kraft Mac & Cheese In Vain
In the mysterious northern land of Canada, the delicious boxed food-like substance that we Americans call “Kraft Macaroni & Cheese” is called by its original name: “Kraft Dinner,” or “KD,” affectionately. When a Calgary food blogger began a cooking class for college students meant to show them quick, easy, and non-orange food options, he called it “Kick the KD.” Then Kraft contacted him to let him know that they didn’t appreciate having the name of their flagship product taken in vain. [More]

McDonald's Canada Accepts Monopoly Money
Paying “in Monopoly money” may cease to be a pejorative after McDonald’s Canada started selling fast food in exchange for bills from the classic board game. [More]

Zappos Stops Shipping To Canada
Sorry canucks, your shoe options just shrunk a little bit. Starting April 1st, Zappos is no longer going to ship to Canada. [More]

100 Sled Dogs Slain After Tourist Slump
In what is the most disturbing tale of the aftershocks of the economic downturn, in Canada an outdoor adventure company is being investigated for the “execution-style” mass killing of 100 of its sled dogs. The sled dogs were not as in demand after the Olympic Games in Vancouver were over, so, when the tourists went, the dogs had to go too, reports the Vancouver Sun. [More]

Gym Guards Beat Man To Pulp When He Tried To Cancel
A computer programmer who has been trying to cancel his gym membership since August says two gym security guards jumped him and pulverized his face when he wouldn’t back down from his cancellation request. [More]

U.S. Seizes Killer Chocolate Eggs At Canadian Border
The Kinder Surprise is a delicious chocolate egg that contains a small toy. They’re available pretty much everywhere….except the United States, which has banned them because the tiny toys present a choking hazard to small children. And people who like to swallow chocolate eggs whole, we guess. The CBC reports that a Winnipeg woman didn’t know this, and was almost fined $300 for attempting to bring a single $2 egg into the country. [More]

SunChips Canada To Noisy Bag Haters: Here's Free Earplugs
Unlike their lilly-livered counterparts to the south, Sun Chips Canada has decided to hold the line on their jet-engine loud biodegradable bags. Instead of caving to detractors, they’re offering them free earplugs. [More]

Phone Co. Wakes You Up At 6:48 In The Morning To Ask How Their Botched Service Call Went
Tom was woken up at 6:48 in the morning by an automated call from his telephone company. They wanted him to take a “how was our service?” survey. [More]

Samsung Blames Canada For Your Monitor Problems
Miguel writes that his Samsung monitor stopped working, but it has a 3-year warranty. He contacted Samsung to see if they could help him. They could not, but not for any mundane reason. Samsung insists that his monitor is from Canada, and they can’t provide warranty service to Miguel because he doesn’t live in Canada. Where did he buy his monitor? Um, a Sam’s Club store in Missouri. [More]

Netflix CEO: Americans Too Self-Absorbed To Notice Netflix Is Cheaper In Canada
Earlier this week, Netflix finally did what the military hasn’t had the guts to do — invade Canada… with a streaming-only video service. But unlike most U.S. products that go across borders, the people in Canadaland are actually paying less than anyone else. But the CEO of Netflix isn’t worried about causing an uproar on this side of Niagara Falls. [More]

Woman Shoplifts Clothes, Comes Back to Interview For Job In Shoplifted Clothes, Shoplifts Some More
What the heck in wrong with Canada this week? Yesterday we wrote about the stupidest man in the Great White North and now comes news of a woman who is either the dumbest or most brazen shoplifter we’ve heard about in a while. [More]

Stupidest Man In Canada Cuts In Front Of Cops To Rob Starbucks
Another tip to anyone wishing to hold up a Starbucks: Not only is it a bad idea to go ahead with the robbery if there are police officers in the shop at the time, but you should probably not cut in front of the cops in order to start your hold up. [More]