chow down


How Well Do You Know Your Fast Food Calorie Counts? Take Our Quiz To Find Out

Fast food chains have long made their nutrition info available online, and in a number of markets around the country, this info has been posted in restaurants on menu boards for several years — but have you been paying attention? [More]

Why Not Just Stuff Vending Machines With Healthy Snacks Instead Of Junk?

Why Not Just Stuff Vending Machines With Healthy Snacks Instead Of Junk?

I remember an episode of My So-Called Life where Rayanne was trying to get an apple out of a vending machine at school and thinking, “That would be great. Why aren’t there more healthy vending machines? I’d eat an apple with Jordan Catalano.* ” Seems one school district in Dallas also saw that episode and is trying out just such an idea to promote healthy eating among its students. [More]