The Affordable Care Act doesn’t just mean highly entertaining conversations over dessert amongst your relatives this holiday season. There’s one new requirement that’s been sort of overshadowed by health insurance exchanges and electronic medical records: companies that own more than 20 vending machines will have to post calorie counts for the items they sell. [More]

Coke & Pepsi Vending Machines Will Get Calorie Counts, Push Low-Calorie Drinks
Even though soda cans and bottles now feature large, clear calorie counts, the makers of the biggest brands of fizzy drinks have decided to go ahead and put calorie information on some of their vending machines starting in 2013. [More]

McDonald's Menu Boards To Reveal How Many Calories Are Going Along For The Ride With That Big Mac
You’re going to have a lot harder time avoiding the plain truth of how many calories you’re ingesting along with that Big Mac and fries at a McDonald’s near you soon. The company announced that it will now be posting the caloric content of all its items on menu boards and drive-thru menus across the U.S. It’s a big move for the fast food industry, one that other chains could feel compelled to follow its lead. [More]

Why The Math On Your Soda Bottles & Cans Doesn’t Always Add Up
In the two years since we first covered the complicated rounding involved with soda bottle nutrition labels, some changes have been made with the goal of clearing up things like calorie count and serving size. But some questions still keep popping up, so it’s probably time for a refresher course. [More]

Study: One In Five Menu Calorie Counts Are Off By At Least 100 Calories
As restaurant chains begin rolling out menus with calorie counts, one has to wonder just how accurate that information is. A new study claims that nearly one out of every five menu items underestimates by at least 100 calories, with some major chains like Boston Market and Chipotle missing the mark on some items by more than 200 calories. [More]

FDA Proposes More Food Establishments Provide Calorie Info In Menus
Maybe you won’t want to eat that double bacon cheeseburger and large fries if the menu you order it from says its 1,600 calories. At least that’s wht the Food and Drug Administration is hoping with their proposal that menus be required to list calorie counts at chain restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, convenience stores and coffee chains. [More]

Theater Owners Don't Want You To Know A Large Popcorn Is Like Eating 3 Big Macs
The FDA is reportedly set to announce a decision that would force movie theater operators to post calorie counts next to their items in the same way that restaurant chains must. Not surprisingly, the theater owners are popping mad about this possibility. [More]

One Serving Of Crystal Light: Half Of This Pre-Measured Packet
Foods that are bad for you have long fudged their calorie and fat content by putting the information for an impossibly tiny serving size on the package, instead of the amount that real people actually eat. Sandar thinks that Kraft is trying to pull the same trick with a new Crystal Light line. The packets of drink mix are designed with a 16-ounce water bottle in mind, but one “serving” is half the bottle–and half the packet. [More]

Not Everything At Starbucks Is Full Of Calories
While Starbucks apparently sells something called “coffee,” which has virtually no calories on its own, most customers choose to go for beverages that pile on chocolate and caramel and other calorie-tastic add-ons. Oh — and let’s not forget the muffin or danish they get to go along with their caffeinated sugar bomb. [More]

Calorie Count Rules Coming To Theaters, Airplanes, Convenience Stores, Supermarket Food Courts
The FDA says the law that requires restaurant chains with more than 20 locations to post calorie counts also applies to other types of businesses, reports the Wall Street Journal. Specifically, movie theaters, airplanes, trains, food courts in grocery stores, and convenience stores are all considered chains and will soon have to start following the law. The agency hasn’t made up its mind yet whether things like salad bars in grocery stores will have to fall in line. The FDA will announce official guidelines in December. [More]

Only 12% Of Americans Know How Many Calories They Should Eat Each Day
While calorie information is available for most of the food we eat, that data doesn’t really do the eater any good if you don’t know how many calories you should be consuming each day. Unfortunately, a new survey shows that an overwhelming number of Americans are either mistaken or clueless when it comes to that information. [More]

Burgerville To Print Custom Calorie Info On Receipts
If you’d like to stare, horrified at the fact that you have just ordered a lunch of 1,213 calories, Burgerville is your new favorite burger joint. [More]

Does Double Down Have Double The Calories Reported?
One of the surprising benefits of KFC’s Double Down wonder sandwich is its lack of calories — 540 for the fried version and 460 for the grilled. [More]

Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine Meals Have More Calories Than Advertised
If you’re a fan of using frozen Weight Watchers, Lean Cuisine, Healthy Choice and South Beach Living meals to control your caloric intake — you might be interested to know that a news study says the dinners have eight per cent more calories than the labels said. [More]