The first reports that Restaurant Brands International, the Canadian company formed by the merger of Burger King and Tim Hortons, was planning to pursue fried chicken chain Popeyes surfaced, appropriately enough, on Valentine’s Day. Now the company has officially announced that Popeyes has reached an agreement to join the family for $1.8 billion. [More]
burger king

Report: Burger King And Tim Hortons Asked Popeyes Out, Maybe For A Merger
Hey, Popeyes, don’t look now, but that restaurant conglomerate over there has its eye on you. Yeah, that one: Restaurant Brands International, the company formed when Burger King and Tim Hortons merged and settled in Canada. It’s interested in maybe acquiring the fried chicken chain to add to its portfolio. [More]

Burger King Manager, Employee Allegedly Ran Drug Operation Through Drive-Thru Window
Customers ordering “fries extra crispy” at a New Hampshire Burger King were apparently getting more than crunchy potato sticks. Authorities say they arrested two employees of the fast food restaurant for allegedly running a drug operation. [More]

McDonald’s & Other Fast Food Giants Battling For Siberian Customers
When you picture Siberia, you probably imagine a vast, frozen landscape, tucked away in the coldest corner of the globe. You probably don’t picture the Golden Arches lighting up the frigid night, but now even Siberia has several McDonald’s locations — and it’s got plenty of competition for customers. [More]

More Than 125,000 People Call On Burger King, KFC, Starbucks & Others To Curb Antibiotics Use
While a handful of fast food chains have made at least some commitment to reducing the use of antibiotics in livestock, the majority of these restaurants still have no policy when it comes to this issue. This morning, CEOs of those companies are receiving a petition signed by more than 125,000, asking them to do their part to help prevent the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. [More]

Burger King, Tim Hortons To Use Fewer Antibiotics In Chicken
Three months after earning its second consecutive “F” grade from public health advocates for its lack of any policy to limit the use of antibiotics in the meat it sources, Burger King’s parent company — which also owns donut chain Tim Hortons — has finally announced plans to cut back on overusing some of these drugs in the chickens it uses. [More]

Unhappy With A Gift? One Burger King Will Let You Trade It In For A Whopper
Sure, getting holiday presents can be fun and exciting… until you open that wrapping paper only to discover an ugly Christmas sweater three sizes too big for you, or the same book you got (and still haven’t read) last year. So Burger King has a suggestion: why not trade them in for a burger you may not want that much more, but won’t have to store anywhere? [More]

Burger King Selling A Doughnut Burger For Hanukkah
If you love doughnuts, burgers, and burgers made with doughnuts, you might want to think about spending Hanukkah in Israel, where Burger King will be offering doughnut burgers for the holiday. [More]

Burger King Customers Upset To Find Nasty Messages Written On Food Wrappers
We get it: everyone can have a bad day at work. But if you work in a consumer-facing industry, taking out those frustrations on your customers could cost you your job. [More]

Burger King, KFC & 14 Other Restaurant Chains Still Earning “F” Grades For Antibiotics Policies
Last year, a coalition of public health advocates released a report card grading the nation’s 25 biggest restaurant chains on their antibiotics policies. An astounding 20 of these chains earned “F” grades, usually for completely failing to address this issue. The newest report card shows that a number of restaurants have inched their way out of the basement, but the large majority of these companies appear to be completely ignoring antibiotics concerns. [More]

Police: Burger King Worker Who Reported Robbery Had The Missing Cash At Home
While some criminal investigations are undoubtedly tricky for law enforcement, a recent robbery at a Burger King in California led police right back to where they started: the worker who called in the theft in the first place. [More]

Now Burger King Is Just Throwing Doritos On A Burger Because It Can
These days, it seems if you want to put a twist on your everyday, boring fast food items, you can just throw a bunch of chips on something or mix it with Cheetos and call it a day. On that note, we’d like to introduce you to Burger King’s latest test, a steakhouse burger topped with Doritos. [More]

Burger King Manager Facing Assault Charge For Allegedly Throwing Sauce At Customer
It can be frustrating for both customers and fast food employees alike when something about an order isn’t right, but that’s no excuse for chucking things at each other. One such tense situation is why a Burger King manager was arrested recently, after allegedly throwing sauce at an unhappy customer. [More]

Burger King Customer’s Card Declined After Cashier Tried To Charge $12,300 For Meal
It’s always a nerve-wracking moment when your payment card is declined — you know the feeling: your pulse races as images of negative account balances dance in front of your eyes. But one Burger King customer in the United Kingdom had to suffer through that feeling not because she couldn’t afford to pay for her meal, but because the cashier tried to overcharge her… by more than $12,000. [More]

This Is No Longer A Test: Burger King’s “Whopperito” Going National Later This Month
Burger King’s summer of wacky-sounding menu items continues with the news that the not-quite-a-burger-not-quite-a-burrito hybrid it had been testing in certain markets will be expanding nationwide next week. [More]

Did Burger King Rip Off Mac N’ Cheetos From The Vulgar Chef?
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but one online chef is calling foul when it comes to Burger King’s Mac n’ Cheetos. [More]