Just a week after Anheuser-Busch InBev confirmed it was looking to enter a long-term relationship with rival SABMiller, the company continued to pad its portfolio with the purchase of California craft brewer Golden Road Brewing. [More]

Bud Light Truck Overturns, Spilling Cans Of Natural Light Beer Everywhere
They say you shouldn’t cry over spilt milk, but can the same be said for thousands of cans of spilt Natural Light? Maybe not, but someone’s certainly going to miss the cases of brew left strewn across a Florida highway following a big rig crash this morning. [More]

FIFA President Sepp Blatter (Eventually) Quitting Amid Corruption Probe
Last Friday, Sepp Blatter was reelected as president of FIFA, the world’s most powerful soccer organization, only days after several high-ranking FIFA officials were arrested on charges of receiving illegal bribes and kickbacks. Today, after nearly two decades as head of the group behind the World Cup, Blatter announced he will be stepping down. [More]

Budweiser Mocks Craft Beer Snobs, Sells Craft Beers
It’s fine if a company wants to mock the people who refuse to buy its products in an ad, including an ad aired during the Super Bowl. That was the point of a Budweiser commercial mocking the entire culture of beer snobbery…while Budweiser’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, owns brands that either are or imitate craft beer brands and trends, brewing some of them in the same facilities that make Budweiser. [More]

Budweiser To Waste Money Trying To Convince 20-Somethings To Drink Bud
By its own admission, nearly half of American beer-drinkers between the ages of 21 and 27 not only don’t drink Budweiser, but have never even tried the self-crowned King of Beers. That’s why we will all have to endure months of young and edgy ads attempting to target this demographic (before the company goes inevitably back to its default flags/horses/baseball marketing). [More]

Is Seattle Seahawks Stadium Watering Down Fans’ Beer?
Even though a lot of overpriced beer that football fans buy ends up on the stadium floor (or on other fans), you should get what you pay for, right? One news report out of Seattle claims that the beer at CenturyLink Field — home to the Seahawks — is serving beer that doesn’t live up to the advertised alcohol content. However, the beer makers deny they are watering down their product, and there are several unanswered questions about the accuracy of this study. [More]

Bud Vs. Microbew: A GIF Lesson On How Your Beer Is Made
Learning anything is much more fun when it comes with illustrations and animation, though when the lesson is about beer, you’re likely going to pay attention all on your own. Don’t know the difference between how a microbrew is made versus how the big companies like Anheuser-Busch do it? Me either, really, but these GIFs can explain. [via St. Louis Public Radio] [More]

$44 PBR And Other Stuff Americans Sneer At And Chinese People Love
Shocking news: people in different countries enjoy different things! Still, it’s strange to see familiar middling brands that no one really cares for where you live that are inexplicably high-end elsewhere. Not just because they’re more scarce or exotic, but sometimes just because the brands are completely different once they’re exported. [More]

Budweiser & Miller Reveal Dull Ingredients Lists For Top-Selling Beers
While the sugary, caffeinated soda I’m guzzling to get through this Friday morning has all manner of ingredients listed on the can, the beer in my fridge might just reads “beer,” and not because I’ve watched Repo Man too many times. Fact is, beer makers in the U.S. only need to tell you if there’s an allergen contained in the brew. But under pressure from a petition calling for more transparency on what’s in the beer we drink, the folks at Anheuser-Busch and MillerCoors have offered up some insights that — so far — don’t reveal anything shocking. [More]

Runaway Budweiser Blimp Breaks Free, Goes Cruising Over Canada
Maybe you thought your dream had come true, that finally someone realized how important your annual spring barbecue is to everyone involved and sent a beer blimp to mark the occasion. Sorry, folks. It’s just that a Budweiser blimp broke free of its tethers and is on the lam, cruising the Canadian skies like the rebel it never knew it could be. [More]

4 Beers That Americans Apparently No Longer Want To Drink
Walk into a lot of bars in this country and there’s a decent chance you’ll see the taps that once belonged to big brands increasingly being taken over by smaller operations (even if some of those “craft” brands also happen to be owned by one of the mega-brewers). This shift, along with a general decrease in beer sales, have cut some brands’ orders by more than half in just the last few years. [More]

Budweiser Loses The Right To Call Itself Budweiser In Italy
Although beer giant AB InBev might have won one battle against its Czech brewery foe Budejovicky Budvar, it’s a whole different story in Italy. An Italian court has banned AB InBev from selling Budweiser beer under that name in the country, granting its favor instead on Budvar’s claim on the name. [More]

Case Of Bud Light Comes With Free Dead Snake
Getting something extra in your case of beer sounds pretty appealing…but maybe not when that extra something is a dead snake. It’s not clear how a small snake ended up inside an 18-pack of Bud Light, but the customer who bought it decided not to take any chances. He won’t drink it, mostly because of the dead-snake stench. [More]

Anheuser-Busch Figures College Students Might Be Into Working At Its Campus Beer Lab
Back in my day we called large buildings full of students researching beer a house party, but Anheuser-Busch InBev is making things official with a new data analytics center devoted to all things beer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. There, students working the Bud Lab will be able to focus on beery projects using data analytics, data research and innovation. [More]

Budweiser Worked Really Hard On New Bow Tie Can Since Other Shapes Are Way Uncool
A beer can is a beer can is a beer can — it’s cylindrical and contains beer, and you hold it in your hand in order to drink the liquid inside. We haven’t done much thinking on the matter, but over at Anheuser-Busch a lot of brains have been bent on well, bending the traditional can into a new shape. Why? Because it looks like a bow tie, see, and Budweiser’s logo is also a bow tie. So, yeah. [More]