If you’ve ever wondered why massive, international beer behemoths like AB InBev, which is already home to Budweiser and dozens of others, keep gobbling up small craft brewers? Because more Americans are sneering at mass-produced lagers and seeking out local and craft brews instead. As a country, we’re still drinking plenty of beer; we’re just not drinking Bud. [More]
macro beer

Budweiser Mocks Craft Beer Snobs, Sells Craft Beers
It’s fine if a company wants to mock the people who refuse to buy its products in an ad, including an ad aired during the Super Bowl. That was the point of a Budweiser commercial mocking the entire culture of beer snobbery…while Budweiser’s parent company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, owns brands that either are or imitate craft beer brands and trends, brewing some of them in the same facilities that make Budweiser. [More]