Remember yesterday, when the Microsoft Store’s support page said it no longer accepted Bitcoins as payment for funding accounts? If you were upset, turn that frown upside down, as Microsoft says that support page information was some kind of fluke, glitch, or otherwise unintended mistake. [More]

Microsoft Store Will No Longer Accept Bitcoins As Payment
If you liked using Bitcoin to pay for apps in the Microsoft Store, we’ve got some bad news for you: the cryptocurrency is no longer a valid payment method. [More]

New York Regulator Finalizes First-Of-Its-Kind Plan To Govern Virtual Currency With “BitLicense”
Nearly a year after the New York Department of Financial Services took steps to regulate businesses that operate in virtual currency, the Department announced the finalization of the “BitLicense” plan, making it the first set of guidelines for the use of cybercurrency. [More]

Georgia Tech To Accept Bitcoin At Shops & Stadium
The virtual Bitcoin currency moves even further into the mainstream as Georgia Tech has reportedly become the first major university to make a deal that will allow the use of Bitcoin for student purchases at dining halls and sporting venues. [More]

PayPal Kinda, Sorta Starts Accepting Bitcoin As Payment But Only For A Very Select Group
A very select group of merchants who use PayPal now have another option when it comes to receiving payments. The digital wallet company will soon offer digital goods sellers the ability to accept bitcoin as payment through its Payments Hub service. [More]

Court Shuts Down Bitcoin Mining Business For Failing To Deliver Paid-For Computers
A federal court has temporarily shut down a Missouri-based business that sold computers specifically designed for aiding users in the generation, or “mining,” of the virtual currency Bitcoin, saying the company took — and spent — customers’ money but waited more than a year to make good on orders for one device and has failed to deliver on another. [More]

Judge Hits Bitcoin Ponzi Scheme With $40.7 Million Penalty
If someone convinces you to invest with him by promising returns of 7% weekly, and that he’s never lost money and there’s no risk, you should be incredibly concerned about giving him your money, regardless of whether it’s a dollar or a Bitcoin. But the operator of a Bitcoin-based Ponzi scheme in Texas was able to rake in millions based on completely empty promises — and now has to pay it all back. [More]

CFPB: Bitcoin, Dogecoin And Other Virtual Currencies Like “Wild West,” Now Accepting Complaints
Most financial investments come with significant risks and uncertainties. The mostly unregulated world of virtual currency is no different and U.S. regulators are warning consumers of a “Wild West” environment where there may be little to no recourse should things go south with their digital wallets. [More]

N.Y.’s Proposal For Licensing Bitcoin Businesses Includes Plan For Consumer Protections
Maybe you still don’t know exactly what a Bitcoin is, but in case you ever want to use one, it’d be comforting to know you’ve got some protection when spending the cryptocurrency. New York has taken a step in the direction of keeping consumers’ safe with a proposed plan that sets up a regulatory framework for any business dealing with bitcoins. [More]

California Passes Law Legalizing Alternative Currencies Like Bitcoin, Dogecoin
While the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Internal Revenue Service are still giving Bitcoin and other digital currencies like Dogecoin some extreme side eye, the state of California is throwing its arms wide open with a newly signed law that makes those and other alternative forms of payment legal in the state. [More]

Travelers Can Now Use Bitcoin To Book Reservations Through Expedia
Planning a trip? Don’t worry about pulling our your credit card to reserve that hotel room, Expedia is now accepting bitcoin as a form of payment. [More]

Dish Network Will Now Accept Bitcoin Payments From Customers
Despite the fact that the Securities and Exchange Commission warned early adopters of bitcoin that the cryptocurrency is prime for scammers and other ne’er-do-wells looking to take advantage of people, it seems it’s still catching on with a wider audience. Joining the bitcoin ranks this week is Dish Network, which said it will start accepting bitcoin payments from customers soon. [More]

SEC: Early Bitcoin Adopters Targeted For Too-Good-To-Be-True Investment Scams
Bitcoin has recently been dominating the headlines with stories about the possible outing of the mysterious inventor, college groups handing out the virtual currency to students and some kind of new cologne. But for all the popularity the new form of payment has garnered, the Securities and Exchange Commission is warning investors of the dangers posed by the currency. [More]

What Does A Bitcoin Smell Like? Who Knows, But Now Bitcologne Exists
It’s a new rule for a new age: With every hot new thing introduced into the public consciousness, there’s bound to be a slew of loosely-but-not-really-related products trying to ride its wave of popularity. To wit: Bitcoin, that mysterious cryptocurrency that makes many people go “Huh, what’s that?” now has a cologne named for it – Bitcologne, of course, “made for peer-to-peer interaction.” Raaarr? [More]

MIT Club Plans To Give Students $100 Worth Of Bitcoin To See What They Purchase
If virtual currency supporters were playing a game of poker, proponents of Bitcoin would have just raised the stakes on the champions of Dogecoin. What could possibly beat Dogecoin’s beautifully painted, Shiba Inu dog-pictured NASCAR, you ask? How about providing an entire undergrad population with a wallet full of bitcoin? [More]

There Will Apparently Be A Dogecoin-Sponsored NASCAR Driver
While Bitcoin gets all the headlines (and even a questionable magazine cover), it’s not the only cryptocurrency in existence. Dogecoin is a relative newcomer in the field, but it has enough fans on Reddit that they were able to raise funds to get the currency’s brand slapped on a NASCAR vehicle. [More]

IRS Decision To Tax Bitcoin As Property May Slow Efforts To Widen Its Use In Retail
It’s a good-news/bad-news day for folks who have heavily invested in the Bitcoin virtual currency, after the IRS declared that will tax Bitcoins as property. On the one hand, that means that people who are profiting from their investment in Bitcoin will pay the lower taxes associated with capital gains, rather than the much higher taxes levied on foreign currency gains. On the other hand, it could mean an awful lot of record-keeping that may make it a hassle to use Bitcoins for everyday transactions like one would use a debit card. [More]

Alleged Bitcoin Creator Hires Lawyer To Fight Newsweek Story
Nearly two weeks after Newsweek claimed to unmask the true identity of elusive Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto, the man at the heart of that controversial article — Dorian S. Nakamoto — is exploring legal avenues to, as he states it, “clear my name.” [More]