As you probably know by now, Newsweek claims to have found the true identity of shrouded-in-mystery Bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto… a 64-year-old California man who was born with the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. The story has outraged many for not only outing the man (who denies having anything to do with Bitcoin) but for publishing personal details about him and his family that are utterly irrelevant to the story of the creation of the digital currency. The bigger question is whether the story should have been published in the first place. [More]

In Response To Call For Bitcoin Ban, Congressman Suggests End To Cash
Last week, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia wrote to the heads of the Treasury, Federal Reserve, FDIC, SEC, CFTC and the Comptroller of Currency to demand a ban of Bitcoin, saying the virtual currency “has allowed users to participate in illicit activity, while also being highly unstable and disruptive to our economy.” Using almost identical arguments, another lawmaker has written the same regulators calling for an end to cash money. [More]

Bitcoin: What The Heck Is It, And How Does It Work?
The world of finance and economics is pretty complicated as-is, and now there’s “digital money” in the mix making it even worse. Bitcoin is everywhere in the news lately, from hacks to hearings and everything in between. But there are a lot of questions about Bitcoin — starting with, what the heck is all this, anyway? And so, here is everything you wanted to know about Bitcoin, but didn’t actually want to ask your tech-loving, early-adopter friend. [More]

Bitcoin Continues To Take Over: First U.S. ATMs Open In Seattle, Austin This Month
The wait is over. You can finally swap bitcoin for cash at the ATM. Okay, you can only do it at two ATMs in the United State, but it’s still a big step for the digital currency. [More]

Apple Purges Last Bitcoin Wallet From Its App Store
While you can now use bitcoin to buy anything from basketball tickets to cars, that doesn’t mean you’ll have a way to use your digital currency if you’re an iOS user. Apple has been ditching bitcoin apps that people use to exchange it and just gave the boot the last one remaining. [More]

Sacramento Kings Make Full-Court Press For Geek Fans, Will Shoot Game Video Via Google Glass
At 14-25, the Sacramento Kings’ season is all but over, but that hasn’t stopped the NBA team from continuing to make a push for relevance among its fans in nearby Silicon Valley. Only days after becoming the first team to accept Bitcoin currency at its games, the Kings have announced that their games will be using live video captured on Google Glass devices. [More]

Bitcoin Can Now Buy You Basketball And Beer
Got a bitcoin or two burning a hole in your virtual, digital pocket? There’s now one more thing you can go spend them on: it’s time to go take in a basketball game. In California. [More]

Shoppers Using Bitcoin Spent $126,000 On First Day Accepts It
In what might be a sign that bitcoin isn’t just a mystical, ethereal currency to be hoarded like a magic pot of gold but never spent, says it did $126,000 in sales on the first day it started accepting it. Which means people spent it to buy everyday items instead of big purchases like a Tesla Model S. [More]

Of Course Someone Bought A Tesla Model S And Paid For It With Bitcoins
Two things everyone on the Internet just loves to talk about because there’s usually some controversy surrounding the subjects have just combined into one juicy story just perfect for the World Wide Web: Someone just bought a Tesla Model S and used Bitcoin to pay for it. [More]

NYC Bar To Allow Patrons To Buy Drinks With Bitcoins
For all that many people don’t know what a Bitcoin is, there is a whole virtual world out there that loves using the digital currency to buy things online and even as payment for say, a house. One New York City bar wants to bump Bitcoins into the material realm in a very real way, by allowing customers to use the virtual currency to pay bar tabs. [More]