As the old saying goes, crime doesn’t pay. But in some cases, being honest — and patient — can certainly reap financial rewards, as one man now gets to keep $15,200 he turned in after finding it on the street. [More]
free money

Man’s Honesty Pays Off When He Gets To Keep $15K He Found In The Street A Year Ago

Woman Returns $380 Bank ATM Spat Out Of Deposit Slot Instead Of Pocketing It
When there’s free money involved, there’s always going to be the temptation to take it, even if you know it’s not right. But yet another good consumer has done an honorable deed, this time by returning almost $400 that unexpectedly shot out of a drive-thru bank ATM. [More]

Couple Accused Of Stealing $16K By Exploiting Debit Card With Magically Increasing Balance
To my knowledge, there has never been an established, official “opposite day,” whereby spending money on products you actually magically increase how much money you have, much less an “opposite bunch of months” where this happens. So when a couple using a debit card that made them richer with every purchase realized what was happening, the legal thing to do would’ve been to pipe up. [More]

MIT Club Plans To Give Students $100 Worth Of Bitcoin To See What They Purchase
If virtual currency supporters were playing a game of poker, proponents of Bitcoin would have just raised the stakes on the champions of Dogecoin. What could possibly beat Dogecoin’s beautifully painted, Shiba Inu dog-pictured NASCAR, you ask? How about providing an entire undergrad population with a wallet full of bitcoin? [More]

Shoppers Find $100 Bills Hidden Throughout Portland Grocery Stores
Buying some coffee at the grocery store? How about an extra $100 with that? Or perhaps you need cookies? Here’s $100 for your excellent dessert decision. Lucky shoppers in Portland grocery stores this week might’ve thought there was a band of money fairies roving the area, stuffing hundred-dollar bills into items on the shelves, but of course, it was a publicity stunt. At least, at first. [More]

Best Buy Compensation Consultant Quits Over Useless Bonuses
In the last six months, Best Buy’s CEO has resigned under a dark cloud, its founder has stepped down and thousands of employees face “intensive induction training.” But while the retailer is making all sorts of public to-do about accountability and change, it’s reportedly handing out bonuses to senior employees that have nothing to do with performance. [More]

No More Food Stamps For $1 Million Michigan Lottery Winner
Remember that story about the woman in Michigan who won $1 million in the lottery but also managed to keep receiving $200/month in food assistance? Apparently people at the Michigan Dept. of Human Services also read the news, because they’ve now cut off her benefits. [More]

Anonymous El Paso Woman Passes Out $100 Bills To Discount Store Customers
Some shoppers who happened to be hanging around an El Paso Big Lots Wednesday morning received some unexpected gifts — $100 bills handed out by a mysterious woman who sought to “bless them” with a Benjamin. [More]

Someone Paid Half My Cell Phone Bill By Mistake
Don’t you just hate it when someone pays your phone bill instead of theirs by mistake? Such a mishap befell James, who noticed an $82 credit on his Verizon account that turned out to have come from someone who intended to pay their own bill. [More]

Company Pays Man It Never Employed For More Than 4 Years, Sues To Get Money Back
Anthony accepted a job at New Jersey telemarketing company Avaya Inc. in September 2002 but decided at the last minute not to start working for the company.

Man Twists Amazon's Arm, Gets It To Accept Money It Gave Away
Joshua had a problem with Amazon. He and his wife bought Kindles, broke one and went for a return/exchange, in which the couple ended up with a new Kindle and $300 of Amazon’s money in its account.

Amazon Is Just Giving Money Away Now
It’s not often that we get an email from a reader complaining about a company that gives him money and won’t take it back, but with Amazon, anything is possible.

$100 For Opening Chase Checking Account
Who couldn’t use an extra $100 these days? Chase is giving $100 if you open a new Chase checking accounts. Just go here, enter an email address, take the coupon they send you to a nearby branch, and open a new checking account. Of course, there are a few caveats: 1) You have to deposit $100 into it. 2) The $100 can’t come from another Chase account or an affiliate. 3) Within 60 days, you have to either make 5 debit card purchases, or set up direct deposit. 4) You have to keep the account open for 6 months or they take the $100 back. 5) If you don’t set up direct deposit and you don’t make at least 5 debits a month, you get hit with a fee. Still, a hundred bucks is a hundred bucks.

Hack Amazon Price Drops
Amazon has a policy that if you buy something from them, and the price drops within 30 days, they will refund you the difference.

We Enjoy Getting Starbucked
This is the free $5 Starbucks card we received today. We got it for calling up Starbucks twelve days ago and pretending to be heartbroken about their inability to honor the free iced coffee coupon they accidentally emailed around the world.
AudioEdit: Getting Five Starbucks
According to Meredith, the free coupons had to be nulled because they were “tampered with.”