As Halloween draws closer, here’s a reminder of what you should really be scared of: ATM skimmers, or devices that attach to cash machines to slurp up customers’ card numbers and PINs. You should also be afraid of adults in creepy baby doll masks. According to police in Minnesota, a recent crime there incorporates both of these terrifying prospects, with a mask-wearing suspect accused of placing skimmers on ATMs in two counties and stealing tens of thousands of dollars. [More]

Are Cardless ATMs Safe? $3,000 Goes Missing From Man’s Chase Account
Last year, Chase began installing cardless ATMs that allowed users to withdraw cash and perform other tasks by inputting a code sent to their banking app at the machine. While the system can be convenient and might relieve some of the worry of using ATMs compromised with a skimmer, the new machines pose other threats as one man learned when $3,000 disappeared from his account. [More]

Citibank ATMs Will Replace Chase At Many Walgreens Locations In NYC, Chicago
If you’re a Chase bank customer in Chicago or New York City who relies on the ATM at your local Walgreens/Duane Reade to avoid withdrawal fees, we’ve got some bad news for you. But if you’re a Citibank customer, well, we’ve got some great news for you: more than a thousand ATMs will be transitioning from Chase to Citibank. [More]

Bank Of America Experiences Teller System Outage
For a few hours this afternoon Bank of America customers may have had a bit of difficulty obtaining funds from their accounts if they prefer to speak to an actual human and not an ATM. That’s because for a short time, the system used by tellers was down. [More]

The ATM Liability Shift Is Here, And Most Don’t Have Chip Readers
Hey, remember the ATM liability shift? You know, how MasterCard’s liability shift means that the operator of any ATMs not equipped with EMV (computer chip) card readers by October of this year would be liable for fraud, and not the credit card network. That deadline was today, and most ATMs in the wild aren’t yet equipped with chip readers. [More]

Average ATM Fees Hit Record High For 10th Straight Year
If you were hoping that ATM fees would suddenly drop, making life better for anyone who’s ever been forced to use an out-of-network machine, well, we’ve got some bad news: according to a new survey, average ATM fees were up yet again to $4.57 per transaction, marking the 10th straight year of increases. [More]

There Could Soon Be Fewer Bodega And Bar ATMs After MasterCard, Visa Policy Shift
You know what it looks like: it’s buried way in the back of the corner store or your local watering hole, covered in a thin layer of grime from all those who have punched its keypad before. It’s the ubiquitous non-bank ATM, and it could be vanishing from some familiar spots in the near future with new policies at MasterCard and Visa that shift the blame for fraudulent transactions. [More]

Chase To Install Cardless ATMs That Offer A Variety Of Denominations
Bank customers weary of using ATMs for fear they’ve been compromised by ne’er-do-wells using skimmers to get their hands on card numbers have a new option. That is, if they bank with JPMorgan Chase, as the company is rolling out new cash machines that are not only cardless, but will let you take out money in a wider variety of denominations. [More]

Citi Testing Screenless, Cardless ATMs
The next generation of ATM may be nothing more than a slot in the wall that spits out money. No screen, no swiping your card, no having to pull your sleeve down over your fingers because the person in front of you sneezed all over the buttons. [More]

6 Things We Learned About Bluetooth ATM Skimmers In Mexico
If you took a summer vacation this year, you may have spent it on a beach, on a boat, or at a theme park. Security journalist Brian Krebs spent his summer vacation doing something that sounds super-fun to us: hunting down compromised ATMs in Mexico. He found quite a few, and also learned who might be behind all of his fraud. [More]

Appeals Court Breathes New Life Into ATM Fee Price-Fixing Suit
More than two years after a federal court dismissed price-fixing lawsuits against Visa, MasterCard, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo, a federal appeals court has revived the cases that involve allegations that these banks and payment networks illegally and anticompetitively established fee levels for out-of-network ATM use. [More]

ATM-Refilling Crew Leaves Bag Of Cash Behind, Then It Disappears
Sure, all humans make mistakes, and sometimes we even make mistakes at work. However, you have to feel really sorry for the ATM company employees in New Jersey who left a bag containing $141,000 outside of a building where they were working…and accidentally left the bag behind. Local police say that the employee responsible for leaving the bag had to be transported to the hospital when he learned that it had been stolen. We hope that he’s okay, but there’s something very weird about this incident. Update: Police have found the people who allegedly took the money, one of whom happens to have recently bought a $46,000 SUV in cash. [More]

ATM Debit Card Data Theft Is Up As Much As 317%
While retailers and payment networks work to cut down on data breaches in stores and online, it looks like fraudsters are relying more on stealing your card info at the ATM, as recent months have seen an unprecedented spike in the number of debit card data thefts from both non-bank and in-bank ATMs. [More]

Banks Blame Each Other For Erroneous $10 Million Account Balance
When a woman in Australia checked her bank account balance earlier this week, she was surprised to see that she had $10 million available in her account. (That’s worth about $7.8 million US dollars, if you’re wondering.) She wondered whether it was an error or a prank, so she called her bank instead of running off on an international spending spree. The bank told her that it was no error: she was an unwitting millionaire. [More]

Report: Gang Of Criminals Hacking Bank ATMs Has Stolen Up To $1B
Some of the world’s banks likely had a crummy Valentine’s Day after a new report from a computer-security firm came out this weekend, saying that a group of criminals has stolen millions of dollars since late 2013 from financial institutions in Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States. And it doesn’t seem like they’re done yet. [More]

Customers Rush To Use Grocery Store ATM Paying Out Double Cash
Customers at a Morrisons grocery store in the United Kingdom received an exciting surprise if they went to take some money out of the store’s cash machine: it was paying out double. No, this is not a thing that was actually supposed to happen, but customers rushed to the store to take out some extra money…even though it would be fairly easy for the ATM owner and their banks to determine who had taken out more cash than they were entitled to. [More]

Bank Of America Closing Some Drive-Up Windows In Response To Changing Consumer Banking Habits
If your next trip to the bank involved going to the drive-thru, you might find no one there to greet you. That could certainly be the case if you put your financial needs in the hands of Bank of America, which has plans to close some of its drive-thru windows this year. [More]