We truly are approaching a Jetsons-like future where the most quotidian tasks are fully automated, and where elderly Millennials will harrumph to their cloned grandchildren about the good old days when their watches — “we called ’em ‘smartwatches’ back then!” — came with bands that had to be adjusted by our own non-cyborg hands. [More]
Apple Watch

Apple Admits Its Brand-New Watch Has Trouble Connecting To Cell Service
While Apple has been busy bragging about the fact that its new Series 3 smart watch has integrated cellular communication capabilities — meaning you don’t need to connect it with your phone anymore — just before it starts shipping those devices, the company is admitting that they’re having LTE connectivity problems. [More]

Here’s The Stuff You Really Want To Know About Apple’s New iPhone 8 And iPhone X
It’s been rumored for months, and recently leaked in detail but finally, confirmation day has come: Apple announced new iPhones and a slew of other stuff today at an event in Cupertino.

Kohl’s Will Start Selling Apple Watches, Market Them As Fitness Products
Just over a year ago, Apple expanded sales of its Watch to Best Buy and to Target, seeking new markets for its wrist computer. Now the company is expanding availability to department stores, so far reaching Macy’s and Kohl’s this fall. [More]

Some Retailers Say They Don’t Have Enough New Apple Watches To Fulfill Pre-Orders
Yesterday, Apple warned that people who didn’t preorder the iPhone 7 Plus would probably not be able to find them at Apple stores when they went on sale this morning. Now comes news some retailers are unable to fill preorders for today’s other Apple debut: the Series 2 Apple Watch. [More]

Here Are Some Of The Rumors Going Around About The Next Apple Gadgets
It seems like immediately upon Apple releasing new products, the rumor mill gets to chugging along again, with folks trying to predict what the company will come out with next. It can be hard to stay on top of those rumors, so we thought we’d help. [More]

Yup, Apple Has Gone And Made A Smaller iPhone For $399; Smaller iPad Pro For $599
After riding the trend of blurring the line between phone and tablet with its iPhone 6 Plus and 6s Plus, Apple is going the other way with the iPhone SE — a device with a screen the same size as the iPhone 5S, but with the same chip as the 6S. [More]

Apple Delays Today’s Planned Software Upgrade For Its Watch, Citing Bug
Though Apple is still expected to release iOS 9 for its iPhones and iPads later today, if you’ve got an Apple Watch, you’ll have to wait a bit longer for a software upgrade that was slated for this morning: the company says it’s delaying watchOS 2 due to a bug. [More]

Apple Watch Sport Users Complain That Lettering And Logo Are Wearing Off
It’s not until a new product officially leaves the testing phase and reaches the general public that its real problems are discovered, and owners of the Apple Watch Sport are reporting an unexpected problem: The Apple logo on the backs of their watches is wearing off. Sure, it doesn’t affect how the watch works, but for a product that’s pricey and marketed as having luxury watch standards, that’s unexpected. [More]

Never Mind, You Don’t Need An Appointment To Try On An Apple Watch
Four months after the release of the Apple Watch, it will be a lot easier to impulsively try one on if that’s what you feel like doing. You still get the full fancy try-on experience at Apple Stores, but without having to make an appointment in advance just to slap on a wrist computer and stare at it. [More]

Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Put Your $10K Apple Watch Between Powerful Magnets
It doesn’t matter if we’ve seen a slew of videos showing expensive electronics getting totally [spoiler alert] destroyed at the hands of curious home scientists (in the name of durability testing, of course), put another one in front of us and we’re probably going to watch the destruction footage yet again. Entering the arena: A $10,000 gold-plated Apple Watch. [More]

Apple Watch Headed To Retail Stores This Month
If you’ve been biding your time to get your hands on an Apple Watch — as in, actually see it, touch it and then walk out of the store with it in your hands, the wait is almost over: Apple says after months of online-only sales, it’ll be expanding the device’s availability into seven more countries and kicking off in-store sales around the same time. [More]

Apple Working On Fix For Text That Instantly Crashes iPhones
It sounds like something out of a horror movie…if mobile phones watched horror movies. A certain string of Arabic characters, when sent to an iPhone, can crash the device and force it to restart immediately. It’s a hilarious prank, but also a nasty security flaw that could disrupt important phone calls. [More]

A Few Apple Watch Users Are Complaining About Rashes
People get rashes. For every plant, animal, metal, or polymer that exists, there is most likely someone out there who has an itchy skin reaction after contact with it. Yet the popularity of wearable gadgets means that people are now paying hundreds of dollars for devices that they’re supposed to wear constantly. Yes, wearable technology will cause rashes, even the much-hyped Apple Watch. [More]

Turns Out Kids Can React On Camera To New Technology As Well As Weird Old Stuff
The Internet just loves it when kids are put on camera reacting with things, but it seems we are not content to find out how children behave when faced with Walkmans and cameras that use film, but words also come out of their mouths at the sight of shiny, new technology. Who knew? [More]