
RSS Still Broken, Sorry!

Ah, our everburning frenemy, our RSS feed. There seems to be a persistent error where it malforms posts URLs.

Magical New Commenting System

As some of you have already noticed, we’ve added some exciting and significant upgrades to how comments work on The Consumerist.

Mon… Er…. Tuesday Reader Round-Up

Usually, we plead on Mondays. Give us your complaints, your stories, your tips! Save us the drudgery of working for our measly Gawker allowance.

RSS Feed Issues

RSS has been wonky this week. We’ve let the tech team know and they’re on the case. Thanks to everyone who reported this. We should soon be back in fine fiddle, ready to play a sonata or a waltz.

Comments Work Again

That’s about the sum of it. Now you can correct our typos with ease and aplomb.

Monday Reader Round-Up

Monday Reader Round-Up

Hey, it’s a new week, and that means our tip coffer is running dry. We can’t do this site without tips: we’re only two black souls and we alone can only have so many roto-reamings from an industry fed, in a strange bit of recursion, by the very proceeds from a web site trumpeting their failings.

UPDATE: Comments No Longer Borked

UPDATE: Comments are back in action, Jackson. All hail the mighty Gawker Media Network tech team!

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

It’s likely to be a slower paced week here at the Consumerist. We’ll still be posting, but it won’t be quite to the volume you’ve come to expect. Ben is taking the next couple days off to lounge about inflating his beer belly in the Hamptons, and working half-days the rest of the week. I, on the other hand, will be spending much of the week in the Netherlands, exchanging kusjes with fly honey-haired Dutch girls.

CLOSED: Getcher Comment Invites Here!

CLOSED: Getcher Comment Invites Here!

Last week’s open comment invite give-away went so well, let’s do it again… this time, at a time hopefully a bit better suited to our West Coast brothers and sisters.

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

We love good emails. Some weeks, we barely get them, but lately, the signal-to-noise ratio has been high. And we can’t thank you enough for it.

Chat Closed: Get Commenting Access In Real-Time!

Chat Closed: Get Commenting Access In Real-Time!

Okay, bonny lads, luscious lasses. Time for you to become a commenter, without all the uncertainty of firing an email like a single spermatoza hazarding a trek through the Internet’s labyrinthian fallopian tubes. We’re giving them away in real time. Starting…. NOW!

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

It’s Monday Morning. A fresh week of consumerist complaint awaits us! With approximately one million, seven hundred thousand customer service calls fielded per day (source: our ass), even if an optimistic 0.01% of those calls is fielded by a cretinous sack, that is a yield of over 17,000 unsatisfactory customer service interactions. Slimy bottom feeders that we are, we want to hear about them!

Comcast Censored Nightline. Help Us Nail ‘Em.

Comcast Censored Nightline. Help Us Nail ‘Em.

We hear rumblings. Rumblings that Comcast put up a streaming version of our Nightline appearance on their subscribers-only site, The Fan. And rumbling from the belly of those rumblings? Word that Comcast just happened to cut the part of the Nightline segment where their company was cast in an unfavorable light.

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

Monday Morning Readers Round-Up

We say this every week with some subtle variation, because every week it’s true: you guys write this site, we just get paid for it.

Nightline Brings in the RECAP Brigade

Nightline Brings in the RECAP Brigade

After Ben’s appearance on Nightline on Friday, our email box was inundated with tips and complaints, words of support and pleas for help from hundreds of consumerists, newly brought to the fold. We also got many confused emails from people calling us “Vinnie” and some astonishing rants from exactly the sort of bleary-eyed crazies who sit around at midnight, typing up emails to guys they just saw on the telly.

To Our Friends Coming From Nightline

To Our Friends Coming From Nightline

Greetings and salutations, consumers.

Thanks To Our Sponsors!

Thanks To Our Sponsors!

Just like all the other Gawker blogs, Friday is the time for the weekly sponsor ookie cookie where we gather all our advertisers our for a giant blanket party. Creamy love spanks to you, sponsors! Thank for keeping the pith pipe bursting with flavor!

For The Record…

For The Record…

• There are two editors at Consumerist, Ben Popken and John Brownlee. That means if you have a hope, a one and only hope, it’s actually two and only hopes. That’s twice the hoping power than never before! When emailing, feel free to address us jointly, as both of us read the tips line. This also explains the profligacy of the first person plural.