
Exchange Ten Seconds of Your Life For A Miniscule Chance at an iPod Shuffle!

Exchange Ten Seconds of Your Life For A Miniscule Chance at an iPod Shuffle!

RSS Fixed For Really Reals?

Preliminary reports indicate that RSS might be totally fixed. Like, no problems fixed. Like, everything works the way its supposed to. Is this true? Could this be? Has Valhalla silently appeared through the mists of ‘orizon? Respond in the comments. Bananas for the code monkeys, on the house.

Monday Morning Tips Reminder

Monday Morning Tips Reminder

Forget not, we thrive on your spillings of fears and finds. Without them, we begin to fade like Marty McFly after it looked likely he would end up schtupping his own mother. To avoid this calamity, send in your links to relevant blogs you think we might like, your personal true horror/heaven stories of business dealings, rants, kvetches, we want them all. We feed upon them, digest them and often regurgitate for everyone to see and enjoy. Just drop them in our tip box.

In Search of Smoking Guns

In Search of Smoking Guns

Is the corporation leaving you soulless? Has the company lost its way and needs some public attention to set it straight? Or are you simply possessed by a seething anger and need to lash out at the closest object, once succor, now shipwreck? Any of these and more are really great reasons to send us luscious source documents from your place of employ.

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Monday Morning Reminder: Send Us Your Fourth Of July Maimings!

Happy Independence Day! Ben and I are taking it easy and sleazy over the next couple days, so today will be a half day and tomorrow will be a null day. However, we will undoubtedly stumble back to work with bloodshot eyes and throbbing brow on Wednesday morning and then, more than ever, we will need your tips to regurgitate on the site verbatim with a minimum of commentary in order to make our Gawker imposed quota.

RSS Fixed?

Tentative early-morning reports indicate that our much wonky RSS feed may be fixed. Is this true? Let us know by email or comments if it’s working for you or if there’s anything remaining needing tweakage.

Talk Back To Us

Talk Back To Us

Monday Evening Reminder: We Are The Monsters of Rock!

Monday Evening Reminder: We Are The Monsters of Rock!

Tomorrow We Interview Vincent Ferrari

Tomorrow We Interview Vincent Ferrari

Late Tuesday evening, inside Gawker HQ, we’ll have the privilege of interviewing Vincent Ferrari, the famous AOL Canceller. Yes, that’s caps.

Gawker Clips Launched

Gawker Clips Launched

Reading is hard and studies show it leads to hair growing on your palms. To combat this, Gawker launched Gawker Clips.

Frown, Darn Ya, Frown! Not Quite Fixed After All.

Frown, Darn Ya, Frown! Not Quite Fixed After All.

Writing these daily updates on our server woes is starting to feel like delivering State of the Union addresses every afternoon the week after a direct nuclear strike on the heartland of America. “My fellow Americans, while all of Idaho’s potatoes have mutated into shambling, blood-thirsty spudstronsities, the good news is that they remain fluorescent but edible.” “Many Americans have noticed their pineal gland pustulously expanding into a literal third eye. We ask you all to look at the bright side: not only will you now be able to see invisible Cthulhu monsters ectoplasmically swimming through the air, but at least those freaky Kodak advertisements now make sense.”

Consumerist on G4’s ‘Attack of The Show’ Tonight

Consumerist on G4’s ‘Attack of The Show’ Tonight

We will be a talking head on G4’s Attack of the show tonight, Tuesday, June 20th. We will be talking about viral marketing. The two other floating noggins will be an unnamed Wired editor (they’re interchangeable, apparently) and Jordan Weisman, Chief Creative Executive of 42 Entertainment, a firm credited with creating the “I Love Bees” alternative reality game for Microsoft. No Douglas Coupland. He’s reportedly hanging out with some Belgiums who build entire religions out of Legos.

Monday Afternoon Reminders: All The Best Stories Are Yours

Monday Afternoon Reminders: All The Best Stories Are Yours

The Consumerist doesn’t write itself. Booze does. And when booze fails, under the murderous unblinking gaze of grim sobriety, reader tips takes the yokes off of our trembling shoulders and helps pull the site along.

Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! We’re Fixed!

We started another week of Consumerist blogging with a heavy heart; we were sure we were looking at a third week pregnant with the ongoing technical difficulties that we’ve come to expect from a thoroughly borked Movable Type install, miscarrying a slurry of errors for us every time we lightly pressed upon its belly to make a post.

We May Be on G4’s Attack of The Show Next Week

We May Be on G4’s Attack of The Show Next Week

Now, we don’t want to be purveyors of vapormedia, but we may be on G4’s Attack of the Show next Tuesday, June 20th, broadcasting LIVE at 7pm. Editor of The Consumerist, Ben Popken, is slated to appear as a talking head during “The Loop.” That day’s discussion will be around “viral marketing.” (Make sure you use the index and middle fingers, especially the middle fingers, on both hands when you read that.)

We’re Moving!

We’re Moving!

Consumerist Booboos

Consumerist Booboos

Good news: Chaos should be brief.

What’s Wrong With Consumerist

Here’s what’s broken and what, if anything, can be done.