
Consumerist T-Shirt Prototype Unveiled

Consumerist T-Shirt Prototype Unveiled

Hey remember we had that tshirt contest and y’all thought up slogans? Well, we finally beat a draft out of our designer.

Welcome, 20/20 Viewers

Welcome, 20/20 Viewers

Hi! Thanks for visiting The Consumerist. Hope you enjoyed the show on ABC.

Consumerist On 20/20 Friday Night

Consumerist On 20/20 Friday Night

Set the TiVo for Friday, Oct 13, ABC’s 20/20, 10 PM Eastern Time. Editor Ben Popken chats with “Give Me A Break!” John Stossel about consumers recording their customer service experiences and sharing them online. Nice timing with the Google YouTube buy, no?

Monday Readers Round-Up

Monday Readers Round-Up

The People’s Square: Tell Us What To Write

Hey, anyone can comment and, despite what Ben claims, the bar to entry is extremely low, being outsourced entirely to an intern chained to her desk at New York as it is.

Become A Consumerist Commenter

Become A Consumerist Commenter

There’s two ways to get in The Consumerist cool school, tryouts and raising your hand.

Did You Pack Your Consumerist Kit?

Did You Pack Your Consumerist Kit?

Slowly but surely, we gathered the posts that save you time and money into a pocket-sized case. Never needing a restock, the Consumerist Kit constantly fills itself back up again with info, links and gambits to bolster your consumer savvy. Items like:

Comments Garrote

The new commenting system let in the hoi polloi. We want smart, on-topic comments displaying wit and/or insight. Therefore, we must begin a ruthless purge of the unworthy. These comments aren’t just removed, we’re banning their makers entirely.

Editor is Back

Howdy folks. Ben Popken here, back from vacation. Thanks to Brownlee for steering the blog in my absence. It seems to be free of scratches or dings, a step up from other things he’s borrowed. A certain mail-order Russian bride comes to mind. Big ups to Mark and Meghann for doing a great job of filling in. It inflates my already ballooning ego to know it takes two bloggers to make up for one Popken. I kid, I jest, I’m happy to be back.

Say Goodbye To The Guest Bloggers!

Say Goodbye To The Guest Bloggers!

Tell Us Who To Go For

A swank new commenting system, a few editors full of vim (alchemically? Transmuted piss and vinegar), a world full of companies that need scrutinizing, and twenty thousand visitors a day to help guide us. That’s you, guys.

How To Be A Consumerist Commenter

How To Be A Consumerist Commenter

Commenting on the Consumerist isn’t some elite club… just look at our commenters.

Introducing Guest Blogger Meghann Marco

Introducing Guest Blogger Meghann Marco

Howdy. My name is Meghann, and I’ll be your guest blogger for the rest of the week.

Meet Guest Blogger Mark Ashley

Meet Guest Blogger Mark Ashley

When the red phone rings, you pick it up. And so it is when the Consumerist taps you for some guest posting.

Announcement: Ben’s “On Vacation” This Week

Announcement: Ben’s “On Vacation” This Week

I don’t think I’m alone when I say that we were all a bit sick of Mr. Fancy Pants Ben Popken running the show. Despite his smug, girlish demeanor and Woody-Allenesque voice, Ben proved quite capable of hogging the spotlight, jetting around in Gawker-billed limousines to his various 20/20 interviews about stories I broke. Meanwhile, I — John Brownlee (“Who?”) — was pushed back into the shadows of a site I’d been working on for months before he first burst through our door with a high-pitched and smart-alecky “Hey hey hey!”

Gawker Launches Idolator Blog

Gawker Launches Idolator Blog

There is a new blog among the Gawker brethren. It is called Idolator. It has a site design and logo that cost several more dollars than ours, but don’t hold that against them. After all, who doesn’t love jewels on poki-stick pink? Sibling rivalry aside, Idolator will definitely be about music in the same fashion that Defamer is about cinematography. That’s not a diss. HQ says, “Idolator is focused on the digital music space and the bands who rise and fall in it — the universes of iTunes, MySpace, and Hype Machine — rather than, say, the world of tourdates.”

Please Record Your Customer Service Experiences

Please Record Your Customer Service Experiences

This is us on bended knee. We would really like to see and hear more of your consumer interactions, as told through the magic of audio and video. That’s right, recordings. Documentation. It’ll be fun.

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

Monday Morning Reader Round-Up

It’s Monday. Our cup of tips, complaints, recommendations and outrage over the state of our RSS feed — on Thursday overflowething — has run dry.