
Sure Deodorant Is The Same As Secret

Sure Deodorant Is The Same As Secret

Everyone knows that in armpit odor land, Sure is for boys, Secret is for girls.

Buy Your Car For Only A Buck With $49,999 Trade-In!

Buy Your Car For Only A Buck With $49,999 Trade-In!

Life Takes Copyediting

Life Takes Copyediting

This ad is an ad for this ad.

Women Like Skinny Models?

Women Like Skinny Models?

Here’s a suspect little piece of reporting from The Sun claiming that women prefer skinny models:

Automotive Jihad?

Automotive Jihad?

Reader Robin sends in this tip about a car dealership in Ohio that is coming under fire for a radio ad in which it declares “jihad on the automotive market.” From the AP:

Bloodsport Does Mentos

Although sad that this Jean Claude Van Damme Mentos commercial doesn’t end with him punching a tube of Mentos Ricky-Oh style through the spurting torso of his enemies, it’s amazing how Mentos-like Van Damme’s girly little chase scene from Bloodsport actually is.

Truth in Advertising

of business mannerisms intact, but with refreshingly blunt dialogue coming from all the characters mouths. “You must keep the Teddy Bear logo.”

Asterisks n’ Things

Asterisks n’ Things

Here’s a more complete copy of the questionable Linens n’ Things ad we wondered about yesterday. Click to expand.

When Is Everything, Not?

When Is Everything, Not?

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

Clowns Choose Camels For Superior Flavor, Poignancy

NYT reporteth:

Dell Touts Fire As Feature in Latest Ads

Dell Touts Fire As Feature in Latest Ads

Truth in advertising, from the Yahoo! homepage.

NBC Hates HeadOn

“It may be the most annoying commercial on television. It’s repetitive, it’s simplistic, it’s production values are beyond cheap, it’s insultingly basic and worse yet, it is still higher brow than NBC’s target demographic.”

Ads Call Graffiti ‘Pollution’; Grafiiti Says, ‘Likewise’

Ads Call Graffiti ‘Pollution’; Grafiiti Says, ‘Likewise’

BBDO launched a pro-bono advertising campaign for the city of San Francisco desgined to curb graffiti.

Vonage Supports Spyware

Vonage Supports Spyware

Ben Edelman has put up an excellent portrait of how Vonage, embattled internet phone company, supports spyware. Quite thorough, Ben traces the money trail from Vonage, through its advertising partners and to the guys downloading adserving programs on your computer without your consent. Screenshots and logs bolster his thesis.

Exchange Ten Seconds of Your Life For A Miniscule Chance at an iPod Shuffle!

Exchange Ten Seconds of Your Life For A Miniscule Chance at an iPod Shuffle! Pays You To Blog Shill Without Disclosure Pays You To Blog Shill Without Disclosure

As a professional blogger, I spend my mornings in my kitchen, visible smell waves oscillating off of me, typing out my morning posts at a make-shift desk made up entirely of old beer cans. A misanthropic shut-in, I have no real idea of how the outside world works, which I find to be the prerequisite to confidently usher forth my opinions to the same. Facts can only muddle up the purity of my platitudes. it’s really a lot like being an extremely well-paid ignoramus.

Million Dollar Homepage Building

Million Dollar Homepage Building

exterior tiles for $25 a pop

Chrysler’s Final 0% Solution

There are absolutely no new ideas in advertising. In this latest proof, Chrysler rips off Volkswagen ripping off Mitsubishi by playing up the combustible engine’s ethnic heritage, in this case, as in VW’s, German. The campaign introduces Dr. Z as CEO and spokesmensch. To cries of “I can’t see any lederhosen,” Daimler replies, “Farfegcocca.”