Transportation & Infrastructure

My Car is Stuck in a Paper Mountain

G. would like to sell his car but can’t, as the Illinois DMV has lost his title among piles of paperwork and has no interest in finding it.

America’s 12 Most Dangerous Employers

America’s 12 Most Dangerous Employers

Today is Worker Memorial Day, commemorating workers who have died on the job. To “celebrate,” the nation’s 12 most dangerous employers were named in a report released this week by the National Council for Occupational Safety and Health (NCOSH).

Memo to The Evil Toymakers

An open letter from a tort professor and dad to the makers of lead-laden products targeted at children:

Disney DVD Players Explode, Maim Obnoxious Children

Disney DVD Players Explode, Maim Obnoxious Children

Boycotting Companies’ Politics

Boycotting Companies’ Politics

Business Week has a fascinating article up looking at the political donations of various American companies and the consumer boycotts that have resulted. There are numerous examples of companies going ‘Blue’ or going ‘Red’ and consequently finding themselves in a Public relations nightmare, as opponents begin launching major campaigns through television, radio and blogs, attacking the company’s political choices.

Television Stations Airing Seeded PR News Reports

Television Stations Airing Seeded PR News Reports

You might remember last month’s Wal-Mart blogging scandal, in which it came to light that Wal-Mart was feeding information to bloggers. Many bloggers were posting the propaganda wholesale without attributing the (obviously) subjective source. Slimy MSM toads chortled as a chink in blogging’s armor appeared: why, mainstream media is objective. They’d never betray the precious sanctity of their journalistic integrity, as holy and binding as stone tablets handed down from YHWH. They would never simply ejaculate PR propaganda into our faces wholesale — they were better than that.

Shocking New Evidence Reveals Airlines Suck

Shocking New Evidence Reveals Airlines Suck

Department of Proving What We Already Know: A study shows that airline quality and consumer satisfaction has plummeted to new lows.

Honda Rips Off VW Ad; Why?

Honda Rips Off VW Ad; Why?

At right is the iconic character created for the VW “Make Friends With Your Fast” campaign.

Flip Off An H2 And Be An Idiot

Flip Off An H2 And Be An Idiot

When we’re not encouraging you to call up and harass low paid Wal-Mart employees about purple ribbon they’ve been saying truthfully they sell all along anyway, we try to preach responsible consumerism.

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen GTI 2006: Turbo Testicles

Volkswagen has opted to remove billboards in New York, Los Angeles and Miami for the new GTI 2006 after Hispanics in the neighborhood found it either offensive or hysterical. The GTI’s slogan? “Turbo Cojones.”

This Week’s Best Product Recall: Electrocuting Aquarium

This Week’s Best Product Recall: Electrocuting Aquarium

The Aquapod 12 Gallon Aquarium, right, is a wonderful product that combines every consumer’s two favorite elements: water and chaotically spurting electricity.

Ford Fusion Voted ‘Most Washable’

Ford Fusion Voted ‘Most Washable’

The Ford Fusion was voted “Most Washable Car of 2006” by the International Carwash Association (ICA).

Detroit  Exec Rants At Consumer Reports

Detroit Exec Rants At Consumer Reports

Detroit car manufacturers are infuriated that none of their smoking heaps were named in Consumer Reports’ 2006 top ten list of vehicles, yielding this astonishing rant from General Motors executive Lori Green:

The Week in Product Recalls: Poisonings, Burns, Strangulations, Deadly Chickens

The Week in Product Recalls: Poisonings, Burns, Strangulations, Deadly Chickens

Hazard: “The recalled charms contain high levels of lead, posing a serious risk of lead poisoning and adverse health effects to young children.”

The Week In Product Recalls: Strangulations, Infernos, Boo-Boos.

The Week In Product Recalls: Strangulations, Infernos, Boo-Boos.

s Sweatshirts with Drawstrings Recalled for Strangulation Hazard

DOT Releases ’05 Customer Complaint Roundup and a Peculiar Definition of ‘On-Time’

DOT Releases ’05 Customer Complaint Roundup and a Peculiar Definition of ‘On-Time’

revealing intriguing trends in the various ways airlines screwed up last year.

Consumers Speak: Volkswagen’s Not-So-Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

Consumers Speak: Volkswagen’s Not-So-Certified Pre-Owned Vehicles

Here’s a depressing story from Melanie O. It seems that Volkswagen’s ‘Certified Pre-Owned’ program can mean, well, whatever a dealership wants it to mean. That’s a shame, too, because we just so happen to be fans of the company’s product.

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self

Ripped-off Ford Customer Torches Dealership, Kills Self

t screw your customers over: they may blow you up.