Retail Services

Grandpa Punched Kids In Head At Walmart For "Thrill"

Grandpa Punched Kids In Head At Walmart For "Thrill"

A $150,000 bond has been set for the 68-year old man accused of punching kids in the back of the head at Walmart while their parents weren’t looking. [More]

Reach Chase Executive Offices For Mortgage Modifications

Reach Chase Executive Offices For Mortgage Modifications

Here is a fun-pack of executive escalation contact info you can use if you’re trying to get Chase to modify your mortgage. With the bureaucracy and indifference staring you down, you’ll need every vector you can get your hands on. [More]

Make Sure You Know Which Version Of Android Is On That Phone
Before Buying It

Make Sure You Know Which Version Of Android Is On That Phone Before Buying It

That brand new smartphone you want to buy may not be running the latest version of Android, reports Wired, and the manufacturer or cellular provider might like it that way. It costs money to push updates out to existing customers, assuming the hardware is compatible. Besides, carriers can charge extra fees for add-on services (like turn-by-turn navigation) that newer Android OS versions include free of charge. Check out Wired’s article for a comparison chart of the Android version on each handset. [More]

Store Considering Name Change For "Fat Balls"

Store Considering Name Change For "Fat Balls"

For years, avian enthusiasts in the UK have been able to get their hands on “fat balls,” bird feed in the form of spherical mixtures of suet and seeds intended for winter use. But now, thanks to a few snickering kids, that could all change. [More]

Best Buy Sends Your Playstation 3 To New Jersey. You Live In

Best Buy Sends Your Playstation 3 To New Jersey. You Live In Missouri.

Steve writes that his brother used to live in New Jersey. He now lives in Missouri. When ordering a Playstation 3 from Best Buy, he repeatedly corrected his address in Best Buy’s system, but somehow the PS3 still ended up shipped to his former address in New Jersey. Now Best Buy doesn’t intend to do anything until Steve’s brother convinces the current occupant of his former home in New Jersey to send the PS3 back. Good luck with that. [More]

Walmart Fires Employee For Using Medical Marijuana

Walmart Fires Employee For Using Medical Marijuana

Warning: Even if medical marijuana is legal in your state and you have a valid prescription, your employer can still fire you for using it. A Michigan man learned this the hard way after failing a drug test given by his employer of five years, Walmart. [More]

Thieves Steal U-Haul Truck, Drive It Into A Best Buy

Thieves Steal U-Haul Truck, Drive It Into A Best Buy

There are just so many different ways to rob a Best Buy. First some sophisticated thieves pulled off a Mission:Impossible-style heist in which they cut a hole in the roof and never touched the floor. Now some guys in a stolen U-Haul decided to just ram the truck through the backdoor. Less finesse, but equally effective. [More]

Botox Competitor Tries To Compete By Offering Rebate… On

Botox Competitor Tries To Compete By Offering Rebate… On Botox

We all know what Botox is. But can you name any of the anti-wrinkle injection’s competition? That’s why the maker’s of competing drug Dysport are not only offering rebates to attract new customers, they’re also offering rebates on Botox if you’re unhappy with their product. [More]

Woman Attacked At Walmart, Says Security Didn't Stop

Woman Attacked At Walmart, Says Security Didn't Stop Attacker

A Houston woman says she was attacked by a man wielding a knife inside her local Walmart and that the store security did nothing to stop the incident or to apprehend the attacker. [More]

How Bags Of Oranges Costs More Than Coke

How Bags Of Oranges Costs More Than Coke

This is also why you’re fat. A graph of inflation-adjusted data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows how the prices of different food and beverages has changed over the past three decades. The price of crap food over the past 30 years has dropped. At the same time, the food you used to try to hide in your glass of milk has gotten steadily more expensive. No wonder the average man in his 60’s is 25 lbs heavier than he was in the late 70’s. Hey, govmnt, how about shifting some of those corn and soybean subsidies over to produce growers? [More]

Walmart Wins: Top 10 Most Valuable Retail Brands

Walmart Wins: Top 10 Most Valuable Retail Brands

Interbrand Design Forum– part of a global brand consulting firm– has ranked the top retail brands and guess what? Walmart is most valuable. [More]

Thief Gets Everything He Needs To Rob Walmart… At

Thief Gets Everything He Needs To Rob Walmart… At Walmart

It’s true — You can get everything you need at Walmart, including everything you need to steal thousands of dollars of Walmart merchandise. [More]

Chase Returns Retired Teacher's Stolen $6,200

Chase Returns Retired Teacher's Stolen $6,200

For some reason, Chase bank decided to take a second look at the $6,200 an unidentified person removed from Bronx retiree Ernest Nitzberg’s checking account. It just might have been the outcry after he shared his story with a global audience on the Huffington Post. [More]

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money

Don't Buy Your Crack With Monopoly Money

If there’s one thing every crack dealer hates, it’s being paid in Monopoly money. A 33-year-old man in Wichita, KS, was pulled over by officers last week and found bleeding from the head. He told police he’d just been tricked by his angry crack dealer into coming over to his house, whereupon the dealer pistol whipped his face. According to the police report, the victim told them that “a couple of weeks ago he bought several hundred dollars of crack-cocaine with Monopoly money and now the dealer was ready for pay back.” [More]

Walmart Sells Black Barbies For Less Than White Ones

Walmart Sells Black Barbies For Less Than White Ones

Lower prices are not always good things, as Walmart has discovered after pricing black Barbies at half the price of white ones, giving a new definition to the term “price discrimination.” Guanabee reports a shopper at a Louisiana Walmart discovered the price discrepancy. [More]

BoA Kills Overdraft Fees On Debit Purchases

BoA Kills Overdraft Fees On Debit Purchases

Bank of America announced they will stop charging overdraft fees on debit card purchases. If you don’t have enough money to buy the item, the transaction will be declined. [More]

Amazon Offers $25 Gift Card To Disappointed Comics Fans
After Epic Price Glitch

Amazon Offers $25 Gift Card To Disappointed Comics Fans After Epic Price Glitch

On Sunday, I heard rumblings of a wondrous event from my comics-loving friends. Amazon had marked lots of great graphic novels and other goodness from Marvel and independent publishers down to impossibly low prices. Lower than wholesale prices. Think $15 for a book that normally costs $125. Was it a clearance? A fire sale? A database error? Who cares? Time to go shopping. [More]

Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese

Visit NYC, Eat Breast-Milk Cheese

If you want to try human breast-milk cheese, make sure you stop in at Klee Brasserie in New York City the next time you visit. It’s made from the chef’s own wife, and he tells the New York Post, “It tastes like cow’s-mik cheese, kind of sweet,” and changes flavor depending on “what the mother eats.” His wife says, “The breast is there to make food.” Maybe, but I’m thinking this is a good way to shave a little off the cheese budget. [More]