Just in case there are any Windows Vista users out there still clinging to the outdated operating system, we’re here to remind you that it’s time to finally let it go, or get used to the idea of Microsoft ignoring you and your software. [More]
operating systems

Reminder: Today Is The Last Day Microsoft Will Offer Windows Vista Support

Windows Vista Still Exists, But Will No Longer Have Microsoft Support April 11
Are you out there, Windows Vista users? If so, prepare yourself for the end: Microsoft will be pulling support for the operating system on April 11, sending it to wherever poorly received software goes when it dies. [More]

Microsoft Won’t Achieve Its Windows 10 Goal By 2018 After All
When Microsoft first started touting Windows 10, the company set an ambitious goal: to have the operating system installed on 1 billion devices by 2018. That pledge was a bit too ambitious, it seems, as the company announced it’ll need more time to reach that point. [More]

BlackBerry Not Ready To Give Up On Making Handsets That Run On Its OS Just Yet
After BlackBerry announced it would be pulling the plug on its BlackBerry Classic smartphone, its last device to use a physical keyboard, the news was greeted with sadness by some and shrugs by others. Either way, BlackBerry says it’s not necessarily done making handsets that run on its proprietary operating system just yet. [More]

Microsoft Will Finally Stop Nagging PC Users To Upgrade To Windows 10 In July
If you’re running any version of Windows on your PC that isn’t Windows 10, you’re undoubtedly familiar with Microsoft’s persistent efforts to push users to upgrade, by way of pop-ups and automatic installations. Those days will be over soon, as Microsoft is promising to stop nagging folks come July. [More]

Microsoft Confirms Some Windows 10 Upgrades Have Been Installing In The Background
If you’re a Windows 7 or 8 user who’s been surprised to find Windows 10 automatically installing on your machine, you aren’t alone: just a few weeks after many users reported accidentally downloading the new operating system’s installer, Microsoft admits that Windows 10 has also been installing itself without permission on some computers. [More]

Microsoft Will Push PC Users Into Upgrading Next Year With Update That Automatically Downloads Windows 10
Though Microsoft has been very eager to get PC users to upgrade from Windows 7 and 8 to Windows 10, it’s also been a bit restrained in its efforts so far, luring customers with a reservation system that allowed them to upgrade for free. But next year, Microsoft is going to get a little bit pushier. [More]

It’s Almost Too Easy To Install Windows 10 — Even If You Weren’t Planning On It
There are many reasons someone might choose to delay installing Microsoft’s Windows 10: maybe you just want to stick with Windows 7 or 8 a little longer, or you don’t feel like making space on your PC to accommodate the new OS. But if you aren’t paying attention, you could end up downloading the OS installer anyway. [More]

Installing Windows 8 Will Void Your Newegg Warranty, Too
Our archive is still unavailable due to baddies attacking our site a few weeks ago, but loyal readers may remember the saga of Norma, the Newegg customer who tried to exchange a non-working laptop for a working one after she had installed Linux on it. This time, Newegg is playing its to a customer who had the audacity to upgrade his new laptop to a preview version of Windows 8. In the case of Linux user Norma, Newegg ultimately gave in, issuing her a refund and assuring Consumerist that it’s totally okay to exchange a defective system with a different operating system on it. Undercover readers posing as customers were, of course, told the opposite. [More]
Microsoft Set To Release Windows 8 Preview Feb. 29
If you want a peek at Microsoft’s next operating system and won’t mind enduring possible pre-release glitches, you won’t have to wait much longer to try it out. Microsoft announced it’s expanding its preview of Windows 8 to the general public Feb. 29. Members of the developer community have had their paws on the preview since September. [More]

Microsoft Explains Why It's Killing The Start Menu In Windows 8
When Windows 8 comes calling, it’s not bringing that old start menu that you knew and loved for the better part of the past couple decades. Microsoft’s research found that people are using the menu less and less. [More]

Only Samsung Has The Power To Reinstall Windows On Your Laptop
When the hard drive of Joseph’s Samsung laptop began to make clicking noises, he thought it would be simple enough to make a backup image of his hard drive, install a shiny new solid-state drive, and put the backed-up image on his new drive. This didn’t work, and he’s stuck without Windows on his drive. Now he yearns for those long-ago days when computer manufacturers actually shipped copies of the software installed on computers with those computers. [More]

Most Computers Now Use Something Other Than Windows XP
Windows XP, Microsoft’s ridiculously popular operating system, is about to turn 10 years old. While it’s still the most popular OS out there, as of the end of July it’s no longer installed on the majority of active systems. [More]

Man Installs Windows 1.0 Through 7 To See What Happens
A man decided to try installing every single major upgrade version of Windows in consecutive order just to see what would happen, and made a video documenting the amazing results. Quite a dose of nostalgia. I like how the attention to seeing how the color scheme preferences are maintained or not maintained across installs is a major point of focus. [More]

VTech Tech Support: "Sometimes Our Product Works, Sometimes It Doesn't"
Juan writes that his granddaughter has a cute little digital picture frame marketed to children. He tried to hook it up to his computer to load some pictures on it for her, and couldn’t get it to cooperate with his computer. Juan tried to connect the picture frame using both Windows 7 and Vista, both of which the product’s marketing materials claim are compatible operating systems. Only…not so much. “Sometimes the program works and sometimes it doesn’t,” an employee helpfully told Juan after asking if he has a Windows XP system lying around. [More]

MyTouch Finally Getting Android's Latest Update
T-Mobile MyTouch phone owners have felt like second-class Android citizens, having to sit back and listen to the bragging from Droid owners who have been enjoying the 2.2 version of the operating system — known as “Froyo” — for months. But Froyo, which adds speed, Flash support and tethering, has finally graced some MyTouches with its presence. [More]

Make Sure You Know Which Version Of Android Is On That Phone Before Buying It
That brand new smartphone you want to buy may not be running the latest version of Android, reports Wired, and the manufacturer or cellular provider might like it that way. It costs money to push updates out to existing customers, assuming the hardware is compatible. Besides, carriers can charge extra fees for add-on services (like turn-by-turn navigation) that newer Android OS versions include free of charge. Check out Wired’s article for a comparison chart of the Android version on each handset. [More]

Dell Support Tech Accidentally Gives Away Free Advice
Our reader humphrmi recently managed to avoid shelling out unnecessary bucks for paid technical support from Dell. His secret? Listening very carefully to the support rep, who inadvertently gave away the info he was trying to get humphrmi to pay for. Which is good, since that information was only one sentence long.