Government Policy Sued For Allegedly Overstating Discounts Sued For Allegedly Overstating Discounts

Apparently, the “O” in stands for “Overstating discounts and misleading customers,” at least according to the district attorneys in seven California counties. They’ve filed suit against the online retailer, alleging it made untrue statements about its pricing. [More]

Airports Looking To Replace TSA Screeners With Contractors

Airports Looking To Replace TSA Screeners With Contractors

In case you hadn’t heard, there’s been a slight bit of public push-back to the TSA’s increased use of full-body scanners and invasive pat-downs at security checkpoints. And at least one airport in Florida is telling the TSA “no thanks,” opting to use a private contractor instead. [More]

Group Of Reddit Editors Make Public Stand Against Grabby TSA Pat-Downs & Revealing Full-Body Scanners

Group Of Reddit Editors Make Public Stand Against Grabby TSA Pat-Downs & Revealing Full-Body Scanners

There are few sites on the internet more tapped into the zeitgeist than the hive mind over at Reddit. So it should come as little surprise to those familiar with Reddit that a group of the site’s editors — or Redditors — have banded together to create a forum for those who feel less than enthusiastic about the TSA’s roll-out of full-body scanners and its “enhanced” pat-down procedures. [More]

Does GE Owe Her For The Icemaker?

Does GE Owe Her For The Icemaker?

Reader Cinnamon has specifically requested Consumerist reader opinions on whether GE should pay her back for the icemaker that broke twice in her refrigerator. [More]

South Park Sued By Folks Behind 'What What (In The Butt)'

South Park Sued By Folks Behind 'What What (In The Butt)'

It hasn’t been a laugh-filled autumn for the people at South Park. First they had to issue a public apology after plagiarizing a portion of a College Humor parody of the movie Inception. Now they are facing legal action from the makers of the so-awful-you-send-it-to-your-friends YouTube music video “What What (In the Butt),” alleging copyright infringement. [More]

So Did The USDA Spend Millions To Cheese-Up Your Domino's Pizza Or Not?

So Did The USDA Spend Millions To Cheese-Up Your Domino's Pizza Or Not?

A couple weeks back we wrote about a New York Times article that claimed our tax dollars were being spent by the USDA to find more ways to add cheese to things like Domino’s Pizzas and Taco Bell products. But a new report in the Atlantic now says the Times misled readers — perhaps unintentionally — into thinking this was the case. [More]

FDA Warns Makers Of Alcoholic Energy Drinks

FDA Warns Makers Of Alcoholic Energy Drinks

Earlier today, there was speculation that the FDA might issue a declaration that effectively bans alcoholic beverages that contain caffeine and other stimulants. While the agency opted to not go to such lengths, it did announce that caffeine added to malt liquor qualifies as an “unsafe food additive” and sent warning letters to the makers of seven different drinks, giving them 15 days to come up with a plan for remedying the violation. [More]

TSA Chief Admits The New Pat-Downs Are 'More Invasive'

TSA Chief Admits The New Pat-Downs Are 'More Invasive'

For the second day in a row, TSA head Jon Pistole was testifying before Senate about the recent negative attention that the agency’s full-body scanners and ‘enhanced’ pat-downs have received. And Pistole admitted that the newer, hands-on procedure is more touchy-feely than it had been previously. [More]

Is A Ban Needed On Alcoholic Energy Drinks?

Is A Ban Needed On Alcoholic Energy Drinks?

Reports say the the Food & Drug Administration is planning to announce today that caffeine is an unsafe food additive in alcoholic drinks. This would effectively ban a whole range of products like Four Loko, Joose and Sparks, which market themselves as a sort of boozed-up energy drink. [More]

Poll: Americans Deeply In Love With Full Body Scanners

Poll: Americans Deeply In Love With Full Body Scanners

CBS says the have a poll that shows Americans overwhelmingly support full body “naked” scanners at airports, despite what some “civil rights groups” have to say about them. [More]

These 100 Body Scan Images Should Not Exist

These 100 Body Scan Images Should Not Exist

The TSA and other agencies have repeatedly told the public that the body scanner devices automatically delete the images after they’re reviewed. But in August, it came out that US Marshals at a federal courthouse operating the Gen 2 millimeter wave scanner were storing the images. Now you can see what they saw, as Gizmodo has acquired 100 of the 35,000 images through a FOIA request. [More]

Yellow Pages Sues Seattle For Letting Residents Opt-Out Of Getting Phone Books

Yellow Pages Sues Seattle For Letting Residents Opt-Out Of Getting Phone Books

A few weeks ago we wrote about the recently passed ordinance in Seattle that would create a do-not-deliver list for residents who no longer want to receive the doorstop that is the phone book. Now we hear from the Yellow Pages Association that they have filed a lawsuit alleging that the regulations violate their right to free speech. [More]

Government May Require Some Websites To Accommodate Deaf, Blind Users

Government May Require Some Websites To Accommodate Deaf, Blind Users

Feds are considering expansions to the Americans with Disabilities Act that could lead to the online equivalent of sidewalk ramps and wide, arm rail-equipped toilet stalls. Law updates could require certain sites that offer goods and services to make changes that allow those with disabilities to use them. [More]

Think You Can Cure The Nation's Budget Woes?

Think You Can Cure The Nation's Budget Woes?

In these days of financial frailty, there is a lot of armchair quarterbacking going on about what needs to be done to fix the federal budget. Over at the New York Times, they’ve actually put together an interactive way for you to try your hand at meddling with the nation’s checkbook. [More]

You Might Be In Serious $%#@ For Refusing To Be TSA Screened

You Might Be In Serious $%#@ For Refusing To Be TSA Screened

Did you assume that once you got to the airport, if the TSA was doing something you didn’t like, you could just opt-out and decide not to fly? The answer is — nope. According to CNN and the TSA, a ruling from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals compels all passengers to be screened, whether they fly or not. Refusing screening will result in being denied access to secure airport areas and may result in civil penalties. [More]

Interview With Meg McLain, Ejected From Airport After Questioning Body Scanners

Interview With Meg McLain, Ejected From Airport After Questioning Body Scanners

Last week Meg McLain’s story lit up the internet. She says she was cuffed, her ticket was ripped up, and she was kicked out of the airport after she refused the body scanner and tried to ask questions about the pat-down. The TSA took it seriously enough to quickly post security footage of the incident on their blog. I reached Meg by phone to find out more about what happened, and, especially, why she refused the body scanner in the first place. Here is the interview, which has been condensed and edited. [More]

More Cheese From Costco Recalled For E. Coli Contamination

More Cheese From Costco Recalled For E. Coli Contamination

Ten days after announcing that a brand of gouda cheese sold at Costco had been linked to an E. coli outbreak, the FDA has issued a recall for some gorgonzola cheese sold at Costco, also for E. coli contamination. [More]

To Get Booted From Flight, Tell Security Guard 'You Touch My Junk And I'm Going To Have You Arrested'

To Get Booted From Flight, Tell Security Guard 'You Touch My Junk And I'm Going To Have You Arrested'

A California man was surprised to see full-body scanners at the San Diego airport after checking the TSA’s website to make sure he wouldn’t be subjected to them. Suspecting there might be trouble if he refused the scanner, the man turned his cellphone’s video recorder on and put it on top of his luggage. What happened next was all caught on video… well… audio… [More]