Food & Personal Care


Chipotle Says Its New Burger Restaurant Is “Off To A Very Good Start”

In a bit of a bright spot of news for beleaguered Chipotle, the chain says that sales at its new — and so far, only — Tasty Made burger restaurant in Ohio are “strong” after a few weeks of being open. [More]

(Joel G Goodman)

4 Things We Learned From Costco CEO Craig Jelinek

Costco warehouse stores are big, gray, and decidedly un-sexy, but that has not stopped the wholesale club from attracting shoppers, including some who talk to their friends about Costco the same way you might talk about must-read book.  [More]


Three Gourmet Ice Cream Brands Recalled For Possible Listeria

Being fancy and expensive is no guarantee against contamination, which is a lesson that all food processors should learn. This week’s recall is of gourmet ice cream from the brands Agave Dream, L.A. Creamery, and Nancy’s, all of which came from the same co-packing facility, and all of which may be contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. [More]

Raccoon Photo

Bank Robbery Suspect Caught Eating Lunch Joins Long List Of Accused Criminals Who Were Their Own Worst Enemy

Sometimes, it doesn’t take an exhaustive manhunt or an intense investigation to catch an accused criminal. Sometimes, like in the case of a robbery suspect who was nabbed after he stopped nearby to grab lunch, bad consumers are simply their own worst enemy. [More]

andy briggs

Controversial Soda Tax Coming To Chicago After County Board Vote

Two days after voters in four different cities approved local taxes on sugary beverages, the county board for Cook County, IL – home to Chicago — has narrowly okayed a $.01/ounce tax, making this the largest single market to try to curb obesity while fattening the municipal coffers. [More]

Dollar General Launching Convenience Stores Called ‘DGX’

Dollar General Launching Convenience Stores Called ‘DGX’

When you hear the name “Dollar General,” you think of a discount store or even a dollar store, right? The chain is apparently expanding its focus to hip urbanites who wouldn’t shop at a Dollar General… but who might seek out a sleek new DGX brand convenience store. Maybe. [More]


Splenda Goes To War With Dunkin’ Donuts Over Lookalike Sweetener

You won’t find little, pale-yellow packets of Splenda at Dunkin’ Donuts, but you will find little pale-yellow packets of a knockoff version of the sweetener. Heartland Consumer Products, the company behind Splenda, is taking Dunkin’ to court, claiming the coffee-and-donut chain is misleading consumers into thinking they are getting the real Splenda when it’s just a knockoff. [More]

Pizza Hut Brings Back Cardboard Pizza Dresser For The Holidays

Pizza Hut Brings Back Cardboard Pizza Dresser For The Holidays

Hey, remember that cardboard dresser of pizza that Pizza Hut imported from its overseas outlets for the holidays last year? That odd product, the Triple Treat Box, has returned this year, and comes with an Xbox giveaway and the same selection of pizzas, breadsticks, and cookies. [More]


There’s No Ban On Beer At The 2022 World Cup In Qatar — At Least, Not Yet

Because attending sporting events and drinking a cold alcoholic beverages go so well together, many soccer fans have already started worrying about a potential ban on beer for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. That’s not the plan, the event’s organizers say, at least, not so far. [More]

Hammerin Man

Here’s Who’s Offering Veterans Day Discounts And Freebies

Veterans Day is the day when we as a country pause to appreciate and honor those who have served and who are currently serving our country. As part of that show of gratitude, many retailers are offering up freebies or deals for veterans and active service members as thanks — from free coffee to free haircuts. [More]


Four Cities Approve Sugary-Drink Taxes

For residents in four U.S. cities, it’s about to get more expensive to buy soda or other sugary drinks after voters okayed new taxes on these beverages.  [More]

Steven Depolo

There Is No ‘Natural Diabetes Cure’ In A Pill

If you think you might be developing diabetes but are nervous about a trip to the doctor, it might seem like a good idea to pick up an over-the-counter remedy that promises to regulate your blood sugar and prevent or cure the disease. This is, in fact, a terrible idea: these remedies may make unproven claims or promise to cure you or replace prescribed medication. Stay away from these “remedies” that aren’t drugs at all. [More]


Recreational Marijuana Use Just Got Legalized In A Bunch More Places

Yesterday, voters in nine states voted on ballot initiatives related to marijuana — decriminalizing it, regulating it, taxing it, or legalizing for either medical or recreational marijuana use. So who voted yay, dude, and who voted nay? [More]


Sad And Lonely Cottage Cheese Wants To Be Like Cool Kid Greek Yogurt

Just the words “cottage cheese” may conjure up images of the goopy, runny stuff mounded high on a plate next to some slices of melon in the “lighter fare” section on a diner’s menu, perhaps. But cottage cheese wants to shed that uncool, unappetizing image, and be more like its cooler dairy cousin, Greek yogurt. [More]


Toblerone Fans Are Not Happy With Mondelez’s Decision To Change Candy Bar’s Shape

It’s always a gamble when companies mess with a product beloved by consumers, as Mondelez found out when it decided to change the shape of its Toblerone chocolate bar in the U.K., pulling a bit of a Grocery Shrink Ray move in the process. [More]

McDonald’s Big Mac Getting Both Bigger And Smaller

McDonald’s Big Mac Getting Both Bigger And Smaller

Even though McDonald’s franchisees have complained about having their corporate overlords force too many limited-time menu items on them, the fast food giant continues to tinker. This time, it’s the company’s signature sandwich, the Big Mac, which is getting both smaller and bigger versions in 2017.  [More]

Soylent Says It Knows What’s Making Customers Sick; Will Stop Using Algae-Based Flour

Soylent Says It Knows What’s Making Customers Sick; Will Stop Using Algae-Based Flour

Last month, meal-replacement startup Soylent voluntarily stopped selling its new-to-market nutrition bar and long-running powder after receiving reports from customers who became ill after consuming the meal-replacement products. Now, the company says it has pinpointed the cause of the issues: an algae-based ingredient called algal flour.  [More]


Here’s Where Voters Can Score Election Day Freebies & Deals

You might have heard that tomorrow is Election Day, a day when Americans will vote not only on who will lead our country for the next four years, but also on numerous ballot initiatives that could affect consumers in many states. To mark the occasion, several businesses are offering up special freebies and discounts. [More]