Your home printer might be truly awesome, but unless you’re trying to trick cashiers who have no concept of what real money looks like, you’re probably not going to fool anyone into thinking that the $20 bills produced in your home office are the real deal. [More]
you have only yourself to blame

Trail Of Cash Leads Police To Bank Robbery Suspect
Forget a trail of bread crumbs, police said all they had to do to nab a bank robbery suspect was follow the literal trail of money he left behind. We would like to welcome you, sir, to the You Have Only Yourself To Blame Hall of Fame. [More]

Don’t Use Your ATM Card During A Bank Robbery Unless You Want To Get Caught
There are crimes that stymy, mystify, and otherwise confound veteran detectives for decades. And then there the crimes that are almost too easy to solve, thanks to the overly helpful, not quite so bright criminals that commit them. Like the would-be bank robber in San Diego who demanded money from a bank teller, but not until after he’d swiped his ATM card, providing the bank with everything needed to identify him. [More]

No Pizza Is Worth Crawling Through Ventilation Duct To Steal
Listen, I get it. Pizza is delicious, and you may be tempted to go to extremes to be near it. But it is not a good idea to crawl through a pizzeria’s ventilation system in an effort to burgle the restaurant that makes it. [More]

Bank Robbery Suspect Caught Eating Lunch Joins Long List Of Accused Criminals Who Were Their Own Worst Enemy
Sometimes, it doesn’t take an exhaustive manhunt or an intense investigation to catch an accused criminal. Sometimes, like in the case of a robbery suspect who was nabbed after he stopped nearby to grab lunch, bad consumers are simply their own worst enemy. [More]