Food & Personal Care


Congratulations, Oregon: You Can Now Harvest Some Roadkill For Food

Get the shovel ready and the recipe cards out, Oregonians, because your state has just made it legal to for you to salvage roadkill and eat it. [More]

Hummus, Trail Mixes Recalled For Potential Listeria Contamination

Hummus, Trail Mixes Recalled For Potential Listeria Contamination

What do granola, protein bars, hummus, and trail mix have in common? Other than being healthy and delicious snacks, they’re also items that have been recalled due to a massive recall of dried fruits and nuts that are potentially linked to the same processing plant. [More]

Mike Mozart

San Francisco Could Be First City To Ban Sale Of Flavored Liquid Nicotine

Last fall, the American Academy of Pediatrics called for a ban on flavored tobacco products. Now, one city is poised to do just that: San Francisco took steps this week to become the first city to approve a sales ban on flavored vaping liquids in a bid to prevent young adults from becoming addicted to the products.   [More]


Dunkin’ Donuts Says Fast Food Rivals Are Hurting Afternoon Sales

Sure, Dunkin’ Donuts was “obviously” paying attention to McDonald’s all-day breakfast roll out, but it’s not the morning meal that’s causing trouble for the coffee chain: Dunkin’ says it’s losing customers to McDonald’s, Burger King, and other fast food rivals when it comes to customers’ afternoon caffeine fix.  [More]

two guns

Behold This Giant List Of Restaurants Offering Birthday Freebies & Discounts

It’s your birthday, and you’re hungry. You’d like to treat yourself to something delicious, something… free. Where should you go? We’ve got a huge list you can start with. [More]

Amazon’s “Prime Wardrobe” Lets Customers Try Clothing Before Buying

Amazon’s “Prime Wardrobe” Lets Customers Try Clothing Before Buying

One of the biggest problems with ordering clothing online is that you can’t actually try on items before you buy them. Amazon seems to think it has the answer in its new Prime Wardrobe offering that sends a box full of clothes for customers to try out before actually buying them… but you’ll still have to deal with the hassle of returning the items if they don’t work out. [More]


Amazon Merger “Not A Tinder Relationship” Says Gaga Whole Foods CEO John Mackey

What a difference $13.7 billion makes. Last week, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey had some choice words for investors who were urging him to sell the company, calling them “greedy bastards.” But after Amazon has announced it’s buying the grocery chain for a tidy sum, Mackey is whistling quite a different tune. [More]


Fresh Beef At McDonald’s Means Longer Waits, Impatient Customers

McDonald’s is slowly rolling out fresh beef patties as it tries to win back customers who want better-tasting burgers, but will this switch slow down the kitchen and cause McD’s to lose some loyal customers who think fast food should be fast? [More]


Craft Brewers Want Off Beer Review Site After Learning AB InBev Is An Owner

Many craft brewers rely on word of mouth and good, honest reviews to reach new customers, but some beer makers are questioning whether an independent beer review website can remain untainted even after the world’s largest beer company buys an ownership stake. [More]


Chicken May Get More Expensive Because Birds Are Too Old And Fat To Breed

Years of very precise breeding means that modern poultry grow to massive sizes very quickly — sometimes in a matter of weeks. While this results in more meat in less time, it’s also causing a problem: Some birds are so top-heavy that they may not be all that interested in breeding, and there’s now an older breeding population of roosters and hens that are less likely to produce viable eggs. [More]


Scientists Want You To Do Everyone A Favor And Eat These Crabs

There’s a certain type of crab that’s eating up more desirable seafood off the New England coast. The crab’s population could be thinned if commercial fishing operations harvested the darn things, but there’s no money in it. The solution? Figure out a way to make people want these crabs on their dinner plates. [More]

Petco, Walmart Products Included In Recall Of Potentially Tainted Rawhide Dog Chews

Petco, Walmart Products Included In Recall Of Potentially Tainted Rawhide Dog Chews

The recent recall of potentially contaminated rawhide dog chews has been expanded to now include products sold by Petco, Walmart, and others. [More]

If You Want Chick-Fil-A’s New Gluten-Free Bun, You’ll Have To Assemble Sandwich Yourself

If You Want Chick-Fil-A’s New Gluten-Free Bun, You’ll Have To Assemble Sandwich Yourself

Trying to eat at a fast food restaurant can be difficult for customers who suffer from different food allergies. But those who are allergic to gluten will have another option at Chick-fil-A: The company has introduced a gluten-free bun for its famous chicken sandwiches… but it will cost you more, and some assembly is required. [More]

Your Love Of ‘All-Natural’ Products Is Causing A Shortage Of Real Vanilla

When faced with a choice between an ice cream made with vanillin, a synthetic form of vanilla, or an ice cream flavored with vanilla that came from a real vanilla bean, which would you choose? Probably the real thing, but that’s becoming harder to come by — and more expensive. [More]


City Leaders Call “Shenanigans” In Battle Between Pot Store & Dubious Arcade

As more states legalize recreational marijuana, regulators face a steep learning curve when it comes to rules on when and where pot retailers can set up shop. For example, it might make sense to restrict marijuana sellers from operating near places where you’ll find lots of kids, but could that same rule be gamed just to prevent a retailer from opening a legal business? [More]

Mike Mozart

Subway Thinks New Ordering Kiosks & App Will Help You Forget The Last Few Years

The last few years have not been kind to Subway. Jared Fogle, the longtime face of the company is behind bars. Its founder and president Fred DeLuca passed away in 2015, and after years of substantial growth, the total number of Subway franchises recently began to shrink, as did sales. What’s the solution? Technology! [More]


Beware Scams Promising Payouts From Tobacco Settlement

If you’ve seen ads promising to set you up with payments from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement — a Nov. 1998 accord that requires tobacco companies to pay $10 billion annually to 46 states and Washington, D.C. — don’t fall for it. These ads are just a big, fat scam. [More]

Martijn Venhuizen

Dairy Industry Says 48% Of Americans Don’t Know Where Chocolate Milk Comes From

Even though the term “chocolate milk” may seem pretty self-explanatory, a large number of people apparently think there is some secret alchemy involved in brewing this mysterious elixir. [More]