Trying to eat at a fast food restaurant can be difficult for customers who suffer from different food allergies. But those who are allergic to gluten will have another option at Chick-fil-A: The company has introduced a gluten-free bun for its famous chicken sandwiches… but it will cost you more, and some assembly is required. [More]
some assembly required

Hamilton Beach Grill Assembles Quickly, But Not In 10 Minutes
When a product advertises that you can assemble it in 10 minutes, should you take their word for it? Our wrench-wielding colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports decided to test Hamilton Beach’s claim that a customer could assemble one of their gas grills in 10 minutes, equipped with only a screwdriver, but with the help of a friend. Their verdict? The grill doesn’t take as long to assemble as similar products, but it takes more than 10 minutes. [More]

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Some Assembly Required
Jim spotted this confusing sign at a Fry’s store in Campbell, Calif. On a display of compact fluorescent light bulbs, the store helpfully notes that some assembly is required. “Is it safe to assemble your own fluorescent light bulbs?” he wrote. “I mean with the dangerous mercury vapor and all?”