McDonald’s is slowly rolling out fresh beef patties as it tries to win back customers who want better-tasting burgers, but will this switch slow down the kitchen and cause McD’s to lose some loyal customers who think fast food should be fast? [More]
not so fast food

Panda Express Makes You Pay For Food That Never Comes
How long is an unacceptable length of time to wait for your fast food? When Panda Express ran out of a few of the items that Dave ordered, employees first asked him to wait for the missing items, then asked him to pay for the missing items, then (after a half hour had passed) offered to substitute another entree for the missing items that he had already paid for. Dave wanted either a refund, or the food that he actually ordered and paid for. [More]

Burger King Drive-Thru Guys Make Us Pull Off To The Side To Cheat Timer
Jenn patronizes what is possibly one of the fastest Burger King drive-thrus on record. That doesn’t mean the fast food joint serves customers food quickly. She says its workers game the drive-thru timer system by asking people to pull off to the side after they order and wait to be served. [More]

How Long Is Too Long To Linger After Finishing Your Meal?
If you’ve dined out enough in your life, you’ve likely been on both sides of the waiting game… You’re the one standing at the front of the restaurant, scanning the room for diners who seem to be wrapping things up. Or you’re the ones sitting at the table, finishing up dessert or sipping your third cup of coffee, even though people are waiting for a table. [More]

Burger King Drive-Thru Workers Try To Cheat The Timer System
If an employee of Burger King or other fast-food drive-throughs ever asks you to back up before pulling forward, they’re most likely attempting to re-set the timer sensors so it appears you’re being served faster.