Food & Personal Care

NYC Restaurant Selling $1K Pizza With Six Kinds Of Caviar On It

NYC Restaurant Selling $1K Pizza With Six Kinds Of Caviar On It

Some nights all you want is a nice simple slice of cheese-laden, tomato sauce-slathered pizza. And then maybe, if you’re the kind with a fancy hitch in your britches, there are the times when all you want is to pay $1,000 for a pizza with a ton of fancy ingredients on it. [More]

Starbucks Thinks You Want An Entire Store Of Tazo Tea

Starbucks Thinks You Want An Entire Store Of Tazo Tea

Back when Starbucks bought Tazo tea, it was a way to sell brand-name tea drinks at Starbucks stores and other retail locations. Now the coffee colossus says the little tea leaf that could is ready to headline its own outlet. [More]

Big Pizza: Calorie-Count Menu Boards Make No Sense For Our Product

Big Pizza: Calorie-Count Menu Boards Make No Sense For Our Product

With the FDA still fiddling with rule changes that require chain restaurants to post calorie information for the products on their in-store menu, the country’s largest pizza chains have stopped fighting each other and banded together to fight federal regulators. [More]

Cooked Squid Leaves Behind A Little Bit Of Itself Embedded In Woman’s Mouth

Cooked Squid Leaves Behind A Little Bit Of Itself Embedded In Woman’s Mouth

A Korean woman had an unfortunate experience that we’re sure is probably one of the weirdest, most unpleasant things we’ve read about in the realm of things: After eating a cooked squid, she felt a “severe pain” and a “pricking, foreign-body sensation in her mouth.” A visit to the doctor revealed “twelve small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like organisms” in the inside of her mouth, which were identified as squid spermatophores. [More]

Why The Math On Your Soda Bottles & Cans Doesn’t Always Add Up

Why The Math On Your Soda Bottles & Cans Doesn’t Always Add Up

In the two years since we first covered the complicated rounding involved with soda bottle nutrition labels, some changes have been made with the goal of clearing up things like calorie count and serving size. But some questions still keep popping up, so it’s probably time for a refresher course. [More]

Alaska Town Sorely Disappointed That Promise Of A Taco Bell Was All A Cruel Joke

Alaska Town Sorely Disappointed That Promise Of A Taco Bell Was All A Cruel Joke

Someone in Alaska has a dark, twisted sense of humor and has played a mean prank on the entire town of Bethel. Residents were stoked to see flyers advertising a new Taco Bell coming to their town of 6,200, but alas, it isn’t meant to be. [More]

Man Sentenced To Two Years Of Probation For Selling Fake Vermont Maple Syrup

Man Sentenced To Two Years Of Probation For Selling Fake Vermont Maple Syrup

As we’ve written before, the people of Vermont take their maple syrup very seriously. Just ask the Rhode Island man who has been sentenced to two years of probation for selling plain old cane sugar syrup as authentic stuff from the Green Mountain State. [More]

Burger King Gives Us The Bacon Sundae We’ve Always Wanted But Were Afraid To Ask For

Burger King Gives Us The Bacon Sundae We’ve Always Wanted But Were Afraid To Ask For

Burger King, home of the Whopper and, at least for a limited time, the bacon sundae. [More]

Starbucks Order Helps Save Ohio Mug Business

Starbucks Order Helps Save Ohio Mug Business

While huge retail and food service chains are often knocked for having a negative impact on smaller, independent businesses, there are ways in which a mega chain can result in a boon for a little guy. [More]

Introvale Birth Control Pills Recalled For Shuffled Pill Order

Introvale Birth Control Pills Recalled For Shuffled Pill Order

The short description on the Food & Drug Administration website says that the contraceptive pill Introvale is being recalled due to a “packaging flaw.” Well, that’s true, but that flaw is that the pills are in the wrong order. A three-month pack contains 84 “active” pills and seven placebo or “hey, it’s time for your period” pills. Some packs have the placebo pills in week 9 instead of week 13. Manufacturer Sandoz is recalling the affected lots, but since the pills are different colors, it’s not hard to tell whether your pills have been scrambled. [More]

At CVS, These Are Probably Not The Spring Savings You’re Looking For

At CVS, These Are Probably Not The Spring Savings You’re Looking For

Shopping for some cool Star Wars figurines at CVS? Well you should’ve bought them before Spring Savings went into effect at the store. David saw some funny dealings at his local store and sent in a photo of with the Consumerist Tipster app. While time’s used to be you could nab some “Movie Legends Figurines” for $13.79, now they’re $14.79. [More]

One In Three Teens Admits To Texting Or E-Mailing While Driving

One In Three Teens Admits To Texting Or E-Mailing While Driving

As the evidence piles up showing that teens are still distracted behind the wheel to an unsafe degree, Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has introduced a new initiative aimed at ending the dangerous habits of texting or emailing while driving. [More]

Ripping Up A Parking Ticket In Front Of Police May Get You Tased, Even If You’re Pregnant

Ripping Up A Parking Ticket In Front Of Police May Get You Tased, Even If You’re Pregnant

If you’re upset with the parking ticket you’ve just received, it’s rarely a good idea to rip it up. It’s certainly a bad idea to rip that ticket up in front of the police officer who just wrote it. Ask the pregnant Chicago woman who says police used a stun gun on her after she tore up her citation. [More]

Will Taco Bell’s Cantina Bell Menu Make You Feel Less Guilty For Bingeing At 2 A.M.?

Will Taco Bell’s Cantina Bell Menu Make You Feel Less Guilty For Bingeing At 2 A.M.?

We originally reported on Taco Bell testing its “Cantina Bell” menu, the fast food Mexican chain’s attempt to rise above quickie burritos and tacos back in January, and now those upscale offerings are officially headed for restaurants on July 5. [More]

Starbucks Forgets That Whole Irish Independence Thing, Asks Country About Its British Pride

Starbucks Forgets That Whole Irish Independence Thing, Asks Country About Its British Pride

Even if Starbucks’ Ireland Twitter account only has 2,000 followers, it probably should’ve thought a bit harder before asking those followers how it feels to be British. You know, since Ireland’s a free and independent republic that is most definitely not part of the United Kingdom anymore. [More]

Starbucks & Coinstar Unite To Sell Seattle’s Best Coffee In Kiosks

If you think Starbucks’ penetration into the world of coffee-selling is already at the saturation point, the company would kindly like to disagree with you. It has announced a deal with Coinstar to roll out thousands of automated kiosks that would sell $1 cups of Starbucks’ Seattle’s Best brand of coffee. [More]

Study Says FDA Could Be Doing Better At Publicizing Drug Recalls

Study Says FDA Could Be Doing Better At Publicizing Drug Recalls

Although the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recalls drugs that could be harmful around once a month, a new study says the agency has room for improvement when it comes to publicizing those recalls and informing doctors and patients about them. [More]

Doritos Locos Tacos Are Apparently The Most Successful Thing Ever

Doritos Locos Tacos Are Apparently The Most Successful Thing Ever

It’s been more than a year since we first told you about Taco Bell testing out the wild, finger-staining notion of selling its tacos in hard shells made out of Doritos. The product finally launched nationwide in March and is already the most popular new item the fast food company has ever launched. [More]