Burger King Introduces Top-Secret Sauce For Chicken Fries Image courtesy of (Burger King)

(Burger King)
The mystery sauce definitely is intriguing and a fun promotion for Burger King. We can solve the mystery for you, though: Brand Eating says that the sauce is a barbecue/honey sauce, similar to a sauce served at Chick-Fil-A.
However, the sauce is so secret that some restaurants apparently haven’t heard about it. That’s the problem with a franchised business model: Burger King can tweet and Facebook about a new product or promotion, but if the supplies and the news haven’t reached restaurants on the ground, that leaves customers with a bad experience and hurts the entire brand.
One aspiring sauce-eater on Facebook complained:
I agree with what everyone is saying, called my local Burger King and the regional manager had no clue what I was talking about till I told him to look on BK’s facebook page, then he said he never knew this product existed. At least he said he was going to check into this.
That fry fan isn’t alone:
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