Have you ordered Burger King’s chicken fries and wished that they could be rounder? No, neither has anyone else, but the fast food chain is putting Chicken Fries Rings on the menu anyway as a limited-time item and a new variation on their Chicken Fries franchise. There have been flavor variations, including Fiery, Jalapeno, and Buffalo fries, but this marks the chain’s first variation on shape in the Chicken Fries line. [More]
Chicken Fries

Burger King Says Testers Found Its New Fiery Chicken Fries To Be “Spicy As $#*!”
If there’s one thing big companies have learned, it’s that if you’ve got a good thing going, it’s best to just cling to that, and repeat it as many times as possible to achieve ultimate success. So not only is Burger King hoping to draft off its success with its chicken fries, it’s now jumping on the trend bandwagon and make them super spicy with new “Fiery Chicken Fries.” [More]

Chicken Fries Will Become A Permanent Burger King Menu Item
In a recent publicity stunt for cult favorite menu item chicken fries, Burger King dispatched an actual chicken to restaurants to decide whether that location would serve chicken fries that day. This weirdly cannibalistic ritual is now over, because Burger King has decreed that all locations will have chicken fries indefinitely. The downside is that Gloria should probably watch her back now. [More]

Burger King Is Apparently Leaving Product Decisions Up To A Chicken Now
When determining where to launch new menu items, you would think that fast food restaurants take a number of issues into consideration: popularity in that area, cost, projected sales. Apparently for Burger King and its soon-to-return Chicken Fries, the only opinion that matters is that of an actual chicken named Gloria. [More]