Cold Weasel Salad Is Not A Thing, Not Even In England

Weasel-free salad. (Jackie Alpers)
Don’t click through to see the pictures unless you really want to be put off salad: I was just starting to eat non-local lettuce again after last year’s salad beetle saga.
A nurse practitioner in England ended up with a dead baby weasel in her salad, and she was not pleased. Nurses are not known for their weak stomachs, yet she told reporters that she threw up, probably not expecting to see a dead, wet, mangled weasel in her salad.
She thought it was a mouse at first glance, since it’s hard to tell exactly what the animal is. She probably didn’t want to look closely at it. The Yorkshire Post reports that the store where she purchased the salad, supermarket ASDA, offered a £5 voucher ($7.22), later increasing their offer to £100 after tests showed that the animal was real and that it was a baby weasel.
“It has caused me a lot of trauma,” she told the Yorkshire Post. “I initially thought it was a mouse, and for about a week afterwards I had weird dreams about mice coming out my mouth.”
Let’s hope that the salad supplier improves their quality controls, and may all of the nurse’s future salads remain weasel-free.
Bradford nurse finds baby weasel in her Asda salad [Yorkshire Post]
What on earth is this disgusting furry creature a nurse found in ASDA carrot salad? [Mirror]
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