Lululemon’s Sheer Pants Lawsuit Nightmare Is Over Image courtesy of Back on shelves and behinds.

It wasn’t just the lawsuit that earned the Canadian company a derision, legal trouble, customer ire, and even a spot in our 2014 Worst Company in America tournament. The company’s handling of the problem was problematic, from the top officers down to the lowliest salespeople. It turns out that women who have just dropped more than a hundred bucks on a single pair of pants don’t appreciate being told that a flaw in the product is their own fault for buying the wrong size, or maybe just having big thighs.
There’s been a lot of carnage at Lululemon over this issue: the company’s founder, CEO, and product chief have all left the company in the wake of the scandal and ensuing very pricey recall.
Lululemon yoga pants lawsuits in U.S. win final dismissals [Chicago Tribune]
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