Not that long ago, if the website for a retailer like Lululemon went down for a day or two, most people wouldn’t notice. But the exercise apparel store’s two-day website outage could mean significant losses, and embarrassment for a company trying to bolster its online presence. [More]

Lululemon Wants 40% Of Its Business To Come From Male Shoppers Someday
It seems anti-ball crushing pants were just the start of Lululemon’s campaign to appeal to male shoppers, with the athleisure company’s CEO saying he wants 40% of the brand’s sales to come from men someday. [More]

Need A Hug? Lululemon Has A Clothing Line For That
It isn’t the warm comfort of your best friend’s arms, or the soothing snuggle of a parent, but if you need to feel like someone is hugging you, Lululemon says it’s got the athleisure wear (a word that people use in real life) line for you: it’s called “Hugged Sensation” and according to the yoga pants peddlers, the clothing is engineered “to feel like a comfortable embrace from a close friend.” [More]

Lululemon Recalls Drawstrings From Tops Because No One Wants To Be Hit Repeatedly While Running
The last thing you want to endure after finishing your workout or while enjoying a little down time in your comfy-cozy sweatshirt is for the strings on that thing to attack. But that’s apparently what’s been happening for owners of several Lululemon Althletica apparel items, and now the company has recalled an inordinate amount of women’s tops. [More]

Lululemon’s New Anti-Ball-Crushing Pants Are A Huge Hit
If any athletic wear company knows about the importance of paying attention to their customers’ genitals, it’s Lululemon. The company lost much of its leadership and annoyed a lot of people over a 2013 fiasco involving pants that were inexplicably translucent in the crotch area. Now the company has found success by explicitly marketing a new line of pants for men for their non-testicle-crushing properties. [More]

Why People Can Resell Old Lululemon Running Shorts For $800
Tradesy is an online consignment market, where people can sell designer and luxury goods that they no longer want. The top brands that sell on the site are pretty much what you’d expect: Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermès, and Tiffany. Yet brand #3 in their top five is one that you might not expect: Lululemon, an athletic wear company. Are people really that crazy over yoga pants? [More]

Lululemon Tries To Inspire Buffalo Sports Fans, Enrages Them Instead
What does it take to get the attention of an athleticwear company that has offended an entire region? A Twitter campaign, perhaps along with a slow news week. Lululemon installed what they thought was an inspiring mosaic at the entrance to their store in Buffalo, NY. Instead, they learned that dredging up near misses is actually quite upsetting to sports fans. [More]

Lululemon Sends Customer 19 Extra Running Hats, Lets Him Keep Them
The Men’s Cool Running Toque from Lululemon costs $32, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. It is a sweat-wicking hat to wear while running. While a hat that keeps you both warm and cool is valuable to runners, even the most laundry-averse runner can’t possibly need twenty of them. Yet Lululemon sent one customer 20 hats, then told him to just go ahead and give them away. [More]

Lululemon’s Sheer Pants Lawsuit Nightmare Is Over
Our long translucent-hindquarters nightmare is over. Earlier today, the judge in a federal class-action lawsuit brought by Lululemon shareholders released her final opinion, which dismisses both lawsuits brought against the company and its executives for allowing see-through pants to be sold in stores, not warning shareholders about the issue, and also not telling shareholders about the imminent firing of the company’s CEO over the issue. [More]

Lululemon Comes Out A Winner In Investors’ Lawsuit Over Sheer Yoga Pants
Lululemon scored a big legal win today, as a judge has ruled that a lawsuit brought by investors accusing the company of knowingly covering up a defect in its yoga pants should be dismissed. The defective fabric prompted a costly recall after customers complained that the pants were see-through. [More]

Lululemon’s New CEO Admits: “We Let Down Our Guest A Little”
Nothing gets a company really thinking about its past customer slights like disappointing sales numbers, huh? After Lululemon’s quarterly same store sales took a dip for the first time since 2009, its new CEO says the brand has a bit of work to do restoring customers’ faith. [More]

EA’s Worst Company In America Reign Comes To An End With Loss To Time Warner Cable
Video game giant Electronic Arts stepped into the Worst Company In America nonagon of unpleasantness this morning crowned with two Golden Poos and with the confidence that the tournament’s only two-time winner deserves. But in the end, it wasn’t EA that was carried out of the arena in victory — it was Time Warner Cable. [More]

Have Fun Breaking Down This Year’s Worst Company In America Bracket
The above bracket will be updated at the end of each day of WCIA competition to reflect that day’s results.
After going through all of your nominations, then having y’all rank the contenders and eliminate the chaff from the wheat, we’re proud to present the first round match-ups for this year’s Worst Company in America tournament! [More]

Here Are Your Worst Company Contenders For 2014 — Help Us Seed The Brackets!
After sorting through a mountain of nomination e-mails, we’ve whittled down the field of competitors for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament to 40 bad businesses. Here’s your chance to have your say on how these players will square off in the bracket, and which bubble teams will get left out in the cold. [More]

Lululemon Founder Steps Down, Last Casualty Of Sheer Pants Scandal
Maybe customers and potential customers would have been less annoyed with Lululemon founder and chairman Chip Wilson if he hadn’t gone on Bloomberg News and called them all fat in response to an interviewer’s question about his company’s controversial sheer-butt yoga pants. It doesn’t matter now: Wilson is stepping down as chairman at the end of this fiscal year, even though he’ll stay on as a board member. [More]

Lululemon Says Lawsuit Makes It Seem Like The Company Sold Sheer Pants On Purpose
You might recall the sheer pants debacle from last year when Lululemon customers were finding that when they bent over in their pricy pants, anyone looking could see right through the fabric to their private bits. But Lululemon says that a securities fraud lawsuit makes it seem like the company knew about that defect and just hoped no one would notice, which is not true, according to the company. [More]

Lululemon’s See-Through Pants CEO Backs Right Out The Door
Fresh on the heels of Lululemon’s announcement that it’d finally fixed that whole “You can see my butt through these pants, can’t you?” problem and would be restocking the luon pants with “more fabric across the bum” in its stores, the company’s CEO Christine Day has announced that she’ll be backing out the door. [More]

Lululemon Product Chief Gets The Boot With A Swift Kick In The See-Through Pants
After a major recall of yoga pants for being too sheer, it’s not surprising that heads are rolling at Lululemon. The company announced yesterday that its top product executive is leaving, only a few weeks after Lululemon had to pull pants from the shelves as they were a bit too see-through. [More]