Doritos & 7-Eleven Team Create Unholy Snack Food Alliance With Something Called Doritos Loaded

(Photo: Twitter user @ohmykevin)
A Twitter user in D.C. recently spotted something called Doritos Loaded at a 7-Eleven store in our nation’s capital, described in the poster as a “warm nacho cheese snack.”
He finally got around to sampling the item and gave his feedback to Yahoo.
“They tasted like Nacho Cheese Doritos dipped in queso,” he explains. “The smell was awesome and distinctly Dorito-y,” though the texture was more like a mozzarella stick than what you’d expect from Doritos.
Yahoo spoke to a 7-Eleven rep who confirmed that Doritos Loaded is “a product that is in test… It’s just too soon to really talk about it.”
We are currently attempting to haze politely convince Consumerist’s new D.C.-based staffers to hoof it over to Vermont Ave and see whether these are indeed the next step in fast food evolution or just another Dorito dodo bird.
Thanks to Paul for the tip!
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