Deer Doesn’t Let Bothersome Doors Keep It From Shopping In Thrift Store

There are often some great deals to be scored at your local thrift shop, but what if you didn’t possess the anatomy you need to open the door to go inside? There’s no reason to be frustrated, deer friends, just bust through the window like a buck did in Alabama this week. He needed that $0.25 soft, retro T-shirt soooo bad.
Shoppers at the thrift store were going about their usual business over the weekend, reports the Montgomery Advertiser, when suddenly the sounds of breaking glass rang out, along with a shout of “deer!” A buck had apparently gone through the glass window next to the entrance.
“We think he saw his reflection in the window and jumped at it,” said a manager on duty during the incident. “He jumped over two school desks sitting outside then came in, and started shopping with us.”
The deer made it all the way to the clothing section (told you he wanted a T-shirt) before employees managed to pin him down in the sporting goods section. Seems the poor guy wasn’t doing so well walking on the slippery floor.
“I was just sitting in the back enjoying my biscuits and coffee when I heard the shatter,” said the employee who caught the incident on tape. “I went to see what was happening, then ran back and got my camera.”
Employees managed to maneuver the deer safely out of the store, whereupon it ran into a Dumpster before getting its bearings and heading off on its way.
The store shut down temporarily to clean up the broken glass, but one customer who’d dashed for cover apparently didn’t get the all clear of deer signal.
“When we closed the store to clean up, we noticed one guy was still hiding inside,” laughed another manager.
Previously in deer shopping: Three Deer Walk Into A Kohl’s Department Store Way Too Early For Black Friday Sales; Deer Wanders Into Frozen Yogurt Shop, Does $5,000 In Damage
Deer makes visit to Wetumpka thrift store [Montgomery Advertiser]
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