Mall Santas Beware: Combining Beards With Rappelling Probably Won’t End Well

Over in the UK, Metro reports that the 32-year-old man spent 40 minutes suspended 15 feet in the air before his colleague was able to rescue him.
At first everyone cheered the incoming holiday favorite, as the announcer narrated: “Say ‘hello Santa!’ Ho, ho, ho hello Santa. He always likes to make an entrance. He’s used to coming down chimneys, but we’ve never seen this before.”
Once everyone realized the reason Santa wasn’t continuing to descend, the crowd starts up the laughter. Nothing like being suspended above a crowd full of people chuckling at your expense, eh?
“Oh no he hasn’t got the rope stuck in his beard? Father Christmas are you going to stay up there? That’s the best view of the lights,” the announcer explained. “I think Santa wants to stay up there where he can see everybody, who’s been a good boy or a good girl… So Father Christmas won’t be helping us switch on the lights.”
Very diplomatic when dealing with kids who might have their faith in Santa shaken if he can’t even disentangle himself from a rope. He could’ve taken the beard off to save himself, but that would’ve ruined the Christmas illusion. Very professional, Santa.
Abseiling Santa Claus gets beard stuck at Reading shopping centre [Metro]
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