It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that despite the fact that millions of kids worship Santa Claus and his present-bringing powers, many of those children are terrified of meeting the guy. And when they do, their parents are often treated to some truly fantastic meltdowns (which are then captured on camera for posterity). [More]
you’ll understand when you’re older

27 Photos Of Kids Who Are Totally Ticked Their Parents Made Them Hang Out With This Weird Santa Guy
It’s a pact as old as Old St. Nick himself: in exchange for years and years of presents “magically” appearing on Christmas morning, to the youngsters’ delight — without being able to take credit for it — parents offer up their offspring to Santa Claus. In turn, they get the reward of gleefully sharing photos of the momentous event for years to come. This might be the only time it’s considered appropriate to find humor in a child’s fear, and that’s why we like to share your photos of kids being totally freaked out by Santa every year. [More]