Is Santa Claus real? Yes, Virginia, but he had to prove that to Facebook before the company would restore his social media account. [More]
santa claus

20 Photos Of Kids Who Absolutely Cannot Stand That Santa Claus Guy
It’s a truth universally acknowledged, that despite the fact that millions of kids worship Santa Claus and his present-bringing powers, many of those children are terrified of meeting the guy. And when they do, their parents are often treated to some truly fantastic meltdowns (which are then captured on camera for posterity). [More]

Reminder: We Want Photographic Evidence Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
Have you been to the mall recently with your adorable, usually well-behaved offspring, to visit a certain jolly bearded fellow? If you caught some hilarious results on camera, we’d like to remind you that you’ve still got time to submit your photos. [More]

’Tis The Season: We Want Photos Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
It’s that time of year again, when parents inform their offspring that they’re being taken to meet a mystical bearded stranger who, if they’ve been good, has the potential to make all their dreams come true. Instead, these children find themselves face-to-face with a red-suited nightmare from which they want desperately to escape. [More]

27 Photos Of Kids Who Are Totally Ticked Their Parents Made Them Hang Out With This Weird Santa Guy
It’s a pact as old as Old St. Nick himself: in exchange for years and years of presents “magically” appearing on Christmas morning, to the youngsters’ delight — without being able to take credit for it — parents offer up their offspring to Santa Claus. In turn, they get the reward of gleefully sharing photos of the momentous event for years to come. This might be the only time it’s considered appropriate to find humor in a child’s fear, and that’s why we like to share your photos of kids being totally freaked out by Santa every year. [More]

Is The Origin Story For NORAD’s Santa Tracker A Cold War Lie?
Tomorrow, newscasters across the country will share information about the whereabouts of Santa Claus, usually based on data from NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command), the military entity that monitors aerospace above the United States and Canada. This Santa-tracking effort is now celebrating its 60th anniversary, and its origin story is a feel-good Cold War fib. [More]

Reminder: We Want To See Your Photos Of Kids Who Hate Hanging With Santa Claus
As the doors on the advent calendar open one by one, bringing us closer to Christmas, there’s still time for you to be part of our annual Consumerist holiday celebration. And by celebration, we mean, celebrating the effect the mall Santa Claus sometimes has on the younger set. [More]

JCPenney Offers Virtual Reality Flight With Santa, Reindeer, And Product Placements
When we were kids, we had to go to a holiday-centric theme park to have an immersive experience with Santa, his reindeer, and his elves. If an experiment at JCPenney is successful, children of the future will only need to visit a local department store and plop an Oculus headset on their heads to experience the magic of flying in Santa’s sleigh while JCPenney suppliers advertise to them. [More]

It’s That Time Of Year Again: We Want Photos Of Your Disastrously Wonderful Mall Visit To Meet Santa Claus
‘Tis the season when parents pack their kids into the car, drive to the mall and deposit their offspring on the laps of mall Santas all around this great nation, which means it’s the right time for another of our favorite holiday traditions: seeing our readers’ photos of kids reacting hilariously to the bearded stranger their parents have forced them to hang out with. [More]

N.J. Mall Decides Not To Charge Admission To Santa’s Lap After All
When something is free one year and then comes with a fee the next, you better believe there are going to be customers who notice. As such, the management company at a New Jersey mall has backed off its experiment to charge visitors for the privilege of meeting (or even seeing) Santa Claus after parents complained that access to St. Nick’s lap should be free for everyone. [More]

Should Malls Charge Kids For The Privilege Of Visiting Santa Claus?
UPDATE: Later on Monday, the mall’s management group announced it had decided to make visiting Santa Claus free after all. [More]

Shoppers At Simon Malls Do Not Want Santa Claus Living In Some Sleek, Modern Version Of The North Pole
His belly will always resemble a bowl full of jelly, he will always drive a sleigh pulled by flying reindeer and Santa Claus will always live at the North Pole. And according to disgruntled shoppers at Simon Malls, his polar home at the mall dang well better be in the traditional style we’re all used to, and not some futuristic, modern place with nary a poinsettia in sight. [More]

PayPal Angers The UK With Ad That Doesn’t Acknowledge Existence Of Santa
A new holiday season ad from PayPal aired across the UK during “The X Factor,” peak family-viewing time. Its premise is simple: two brothers wait to sneak glances at their Christmas presents as their parents bring them in the house. The ad has drawn hundreds of complaints to the national ad watchdog because it ignores the existence of Santa Claus. No, really. [More]

3 Postal Workers Accused Of Stealing From The “Operation Santa” Program Like A Bunch Of Grinches
Wherever you have people trying to do something good for others, you’ll inevitably have others trying to twist that effort for their own benefit. There’s not always a name for these greedy people, but in the case of three postal workers accused of rigging the “Operation Santa” program, the word “Grinch” is pretty darn fitting. [More]

26 Kids Who Decided Santa Claus Is Not To Be Tolerated, Proceed To Freak The Heck Out
We asked, and oh boy, did we receive: For our third annual installment of holiday-induced panic on a wee scale, you, our dear readers, submitted 26 photos of your children freaking the heck out upon meeting the man in red, one Santa Cornelius Claus. Does Santa have a middle name for real? We might never know, but what we do know is that before children come to love the guy, they often want nothing better than to be as far from that jolly fellow as possible. [More]

Black Bear Has Absolutely No Problem Knocking Santa Claus Out
Hide your snowmen, hide your reindeer and get Santa Claus somewhere safe: Mother Nature might not agree with your taste in lawn ornaments and as such, has zero problems whatsoever with totally mucking up your holiday display. [More]

Scary Santa Strikes Again: Send Us Photos Of Your Kids Freaking Out With Costumed Mall Characters
Maybe you were kid-free in 2012, and last year your wee one was just a perfect angel when it came time to visit Santa Claus at the mall for that traditional photo opportunity. But if your kid freaked out at the sight of St. Nick or had a meltdown when faced with a costumed Frozen character, this year is gonna be yours. [More]

What Would Santa Claus’ Salary Be If He Had One?
Getting paid a nice fat salary for the job of giving out gifts on one night per year sounds like a pretty cushy job: You’ve got to admit, getting a $140,000 salary to be Santa Claus, which is the figure named in a recent survey as what Santa would be paid if he were to pocket a paycheck, is a pretty darn enviable position. [More]