Have you been to the mall recently with your adorable, usually well-behaved offspring, to visit a certain jolly bearded fellow? If you caught some hilarious results on camera, we’d like to remind you that you’ve still got time to submit your photos. [More]
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’Tis The Season: We Want Photos Of Your Kid’s Mall Santa Claus Nightmare
It’s that time of year again, when parents inform their offspring that they’re being taken to meet a mystical bearded stranger who, if they’ve been good, has the potential to make all their dreams come true. Instead, these children find themselves face-to-face with a red-suited nightmare from which they want desperately to escape. [More]

It’s That Time Of Year Again: We Want Photos Of Your Disastrously Wonderful Mall Visit To Meet Santa Claus
‘Tis the season when parents pack their kids into the car, drive to the mall and deposit their offspring on the laps of mall Santas all around this great nation, which means it’s the right time for another of our favorite holiday traditions: seeing our readers’ photos of kids reacting hilariously to the bearded stranger their parents have forced them to hang out with. [More]

26 Kids Who Decided Santa Claus Is Not To Be Tolerated, Proceed To Freak The Heck Out
We asked, and oh boy, did we receive: For our third annual installment of holiday-induced panic on a wee scale, you, our dear readers, submitted 26 photos of your children freaking the heck out upon meeting the man in red, one Santa Cornelius Claus. Does Santa have a middle name for real? We might never know, but what we do know is that before children come to love the guy, they often want nothing better than to be as far from that jolly fellow as possible. [More]