If you opened your mailbox today and found that you owed the city $100 and you had to pay it right away, would you be able to? A new report claims that nearly half of us are not prepared to absorb this cost, and more than 1-in-4 Americans is up a creek if they have to unexpectedly pay as little as $10. [More]

What Would Santa Claus’ Salary Be If He Had One?
Getting paid a nice fat salary for the job of giving out gifts on one night per year sounds like a pretty cushy job: You’ve got to admit, getting a $140,000 salary to be Santa Claus, which is the figure named in a recent survey as what Santa would be paid if he were to pocket a paycheck, is a pretty darn enviable position. [More]

What To Do When You Find Out The Dope Who Sits Next To You Is Making More Than You Are
If the corporate world functioned fairly, pay would be commensurate with the amount of experience and ability employees have. But fairness has little to do with the way pay scales tip. Factors such as nepotism, politics and timing can all add up to confirming your fear that your cubicle neighbor makes more than you do, and will probably always out-earn you unless you try to dare to make a power play. [More]

Lawsuit Accuses Apple, Google, Others Of Employee Pay Conspiracy
Could it be that tech heavyweights including Apple, Google, Intel, Intuit, Adobe, Pixar and Lucasfilm were entangled in a nefarious plot to keep employee wages down and profits up? That’s the allegation brought forth by a lawsuit filed in a California Superior Court, alleging antitrust violations among the companies, as well as “no solicitation” agreements that kept companies from poaching employees. [More]

Oracle, Apple, Capital One CEOs Rank Among Decade's Top Earners
Being POTUS makes you age prematurely, and Lady Gaga is stuck in a 360 deal that takes a cut of everything she does. Screw that, I wanna be CEO. The Wall Street Journal has listed the top paid CEOs of the last decade, which is topped by Oracle CEO Larry Ellison at $1.84 billion. Steve Jobs comes in fourth with $749 million, and Capital One’s Richard Fairbank is fifth at $569 million. The WSJ also notes that “four of the top 25 CEOs worked at financial companies, two on Wall Street.” [More]

How To Make Sure You Get Paid What You're Worth
Wired has put together a Wiki called a

How Long Does It Take An Athlete To Make $100,000?
Obviously a lot of preparation goes into being an athlete, but let’s ignore all of that and focus on the gory numbers.

Citibank To Raise Salaries By 50% In Reaction To Bonus Limits
The AP is reporting that Citibank will be raising salaries for certain employees by as much as 50% in order to offset the new bonus restrictions. The company faces the restrictions because it took bailout money.

Government Imposes $500,000 Executive Pay Cap On Bailed-Out Companies
President Obama and Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner have announced a $500,000 maximum wage for employees of companies that receive taxpayer support. The rule will only apply to companies that receive future bailout funds. Oh, also, you’re going to be bailing out more companies.

Is JC Penney Going To Close Some Of Its Stores?
This is rumor only, folks, but a tipster tells us that JC Penney plans on closing 11 stores this year, and that they’re freezing salaries on all employees. The retailer isn’t doing as badly as some of its competitors—it has no debt maturing in 2009, for example, and plans to have $2 billion in cash on hand at the end of this month—but considering CEO Mike Ullman has said he’s planning business conservatively for 2009, it wouldn’t be that surprising if it turns out to be true.

Personal Finance Roundup
Bank crisis: 10 things to know now [MSN Money] “If your bank goes bust, how do you get your money out? Are credit unions protected? What about investments? It’s time to get your ducks in a row.”