Have you noticed a lot more solar panels on homes recently? While an increase in solar panel installations can partly be explained by pointing out that people are more aware of energy conservation issues and want to save money, there’s a much simpler reason why there are more panels on roofs all of a sudden: they’re now super cheap, and aspiring solar panel owners don’t have to pay for the panels or their installation up front anymore. [More]
here comes the sun

Why Is Sunscreen Forbidden For Kids At Some Schools And Camps?
Sunscreen is a friend to fair and dark complexions alike, protecting its wearers from sunburn and other forms of skin damage. So why would schools and camps ban kids from carrying the stuff without a doctor’s note? After a recent story of a mom horrified that her two daughters were severely sunburned after a school field day, claiming no adults gave them sunscreen or provided shade, these policies are getting closer scrutiny. [More]