Got $50 Million For A Vacation? Space Tourism Is For You

It’s 2011 and we still don’t have flying cars yet. But by next year, a lot of ordinary folks will be able to catch a flight to space and see the stars, say experts.
USA Today notes that even as NASA is set to retire the aging fleet of Space Shuttles later this year, a handful of companies are ready to tackle the task of truly commercializing space for tourism. Actual “spaceports” are being built across American and several companies are readying ships and trips. Your choices:
- Space Adventures: Up to $50 million for trips on Russian Soyuz capsules to the International Space Station (now)
- Virgin Galactic: $200,000 per seat on SpaceShipTwo (end of 2011)
- Space Adventures: $95,000 per seat on XCOR’s Lynx Mark II (2013)
Still too pricey and can’t wait another year? If you really want to feel like Buzz Aldrin or John Glenn, consider Zero Gravity. A ride on its “vomit comet,” a jetliner that simulates the weightlessness of space, costs a mere $4,950. Plus 5 percent tax.
Space tourism travel comes closer to fruition [USA Today]
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