Right now, the quickest way to get from, say, New York to Siberia involves at least a few plane tickets and a lot of layovers. But if Elon Musk has his way, travelers won’t have to rely on airlines to get them to the other side of the world — they can just hop on a rocket ship and be there in the same time it takes to get a pizza delivered. [More]
space travel

Amazon CEO Has Dreams Of Express Shipping To The Moon
Will Amazon one day provide free two-day Prime shipping to the moon? Probably not, but the company’s CEO Jeff Bezos does have a plan in which the company would build a system to ship supplies to future moon settlements. [More]

Virgin Galactic Will Resume Flight Tests Of Its Commercial Spacecraft Next Month
Two years after a fatal accident that killed one person, Virgin Galactic is preparing to resume testing of its rocket plane designed to take tourists into space. [More]

Swedish Company Aiming To Offer Commercial Two-Hour Flights Into Arctic Space
Space! The final frontier! Or so they say and mankind is intent on exploring it. If a Swedish company has its way, Richard Branson won’t be the only business up in the dark blue yonder. Spaceport Sweden was founded in 2007 and says it hopes to provide commercial flights from a small Arctic town into space within a decade. [More]

Got $50 Million For A Vacation? Space Tourism Is For You
It’s 2011 and we still don’t have flying cars yet. But by next year, a lot of ordinary folks will be able to catch a flight to space and see the stars, say experts. [More]

Virgin Galactic Confirms $200,000 Price For 5 Minutes Of Weightlessness
In what could either end up as either a key moment in the history of space travel or a snapshot of one really, really rich man’s intergalactic folly, bearded billionaire Richard Branson was on hand in New Mexico for a ceremony to celebrate work being done on the first Virgin Galactic spaceport. [More]